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Lounge at 124 Fremont for Lena Silvagni; Retail Beverage license for Madeline M. Love 1500 South Fifth Street; a Retail Beverage license for James Stahl at 807 South Main; a Retail Tavern at 123 South Second Street for the Tavern by R. G. Garner be granted. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Ayes; Noes, None. Application for taxi licenses from the Vegas Transit Company to operate one taxi on 15 feet south of Fremont on south First Street and 15 feet south of Fremont on South Second Street together with schedules and fees and insurance policy was presented to the Board. Upon motion of Commissioner Tinch seconded by Commissioner Clark it was moved and carried that the two taxi licenses be granted. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Ayes; Noes, None. (Mr. Tinch called from meeting) A letter from Jimmie Crossan, Golf Pro, was read to the Board and ordered filed for future reference. A request from the City Clerk fro the Board's decision on requesting a license on Boot- blacks operating in Barber Shops was turned over to the City Attorney for report at the next Board meeting. A letter from Brown's Furniture Company containing information on furnishings installed at the Golf Pro's residence April 5, 1941 was read to the Board and ordered turned over to the City Attorney for investigation. A requisition presented by Mr. Rubidoux for emergency repairs to the Chevrolet Dump Truck in the Street Department was presented. Upon motion of Commissioner Clark and seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux it was moved and carried that parts be purchased in the amount of $63.53. Commissioner Rubidoux moved that the bill of O. J. Scherer Company be 85% of value complete on Administration Building at the Airport in the amount of $9,292.00 be paid. Said motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith and carried by the following vote: Commissioner Smith, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Ayes; Noes, None. At this time the application of Halley Stewart for a sealed package liquor license at the new Food Store at 8th & Fremont was again placed before the Board and after some discussion Commissioner Rubidoux moved to grant Mr. Stewart said license seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Smith, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye; Noes, None. At this time Commissioner Clark moved and was seconded by Commissioner Rubidoux that this meeting recess until April 8th at the hour of 7:30 P. M. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Ayes; Noes, None. Las Vegas, Nevada April 8, 1942 At a regular recessed meeting of the Board of City Commissioners held April 8, 1942 at the hour of 7:30 P. M. roll call showed the following present: Mayor Garrison, Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux, City Attorney Paul Ralli, Deputy Clerk Leroy Whipple, Absent; City Clerk Helen Scott. It was moved by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Tinch to allow the following gaming application permits: State Cafe, 20 Fremont Street; Trail Cafe, 13 Fremont; White Spot Cafe, 109 Fremont; Horse Shoe Cafe, 118 North First Street; Silver Club, 106 North First. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye; Noes, None. Motion was made by Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner Clark to allow the claims of C. L. Gambill, $61.49 and David Mackey for $39.35 for expenses incurred on trip to Reno to attend the Defense School. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye; Noes, None. Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Clark to allow demand of C. W. Jorgenson as first payment on contract of the west wing of the Memorial Building in the amount of $2,269.50. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye; Noes, None. Motion was made by Commissioner Rubidoux and seconded by Commissioner Clark to allow salary and expenses of Planning Engineer C. G. Petrie as follows: Last half of March salary, $125.00, last half of March car allowance, $12.50, expenses for trip to Las Vegas to attend meeting with City and County Commissioners on February 25, 1942, in the amount of $32.94. Such claims to be allowed for the Planning Engineer as presented with the understanding that the County be billed for 50% of the total amount. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Clark and Rubidoux voting Aye; Commissioner Tinch voting No, and his Honor the Mayor passing his vote. At this time George E. Marshall, Lloyd Trittle and Harry Pursell being the new members of the Golf Board appeared before the Commission to discuss matters pertaining to operation of the Golf Course. Among other things discussed was the request of the new Golf Board to transfer A. J. Drews from the Garbage Department to the Golf Course as Golf Pro to be installed as head of the Golf Course. After some discussion on the matter it was moved by Commissioner Rubidoux seconded by Commissioner Clark and approved that A. J. Drews be transferred from the Garbage Department to the Golf Course to act as head of the Golf Course Department and that his salary not to exceed $225.00 per month beginning April 1, 1942. Vote on the foregoing was as follows: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye; Noes, None. Motion was also made by Commissioner Clark and seconded by Commissioner Smith to allow the Golf Board to run an add in one of the local papers but not to exceed $16.00, notifying the public of the appointment of A. J. Drews as the new Golf Pro. Vote: Commissioners Smith, Tinch, Clark and Rubidoux and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye; Noes, None.