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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Standard O il Co. « Barge No.8 » Dockage. December 28th* 1914. Messrs.Mott & D illon , Attorney at Law, 426 Douglas Block, Los Angeles, Cal. Dear s i r : - Our Auditor has requested my opinion upon the question of the lia b i lit y of your c lien t, Standard O il Company, to pay cer­tain dockage charges fo r dockage p rivileges enjoyed by Barge No.8, owned by your c lie n t, at Bast San Pedro, under the provi ions of an ordinance of the City of Los Angeles, which prescribes a rate of #5.00 per day fo r craft of the tonnage of such Barge. Evidently this is a matter fo r the exchange of views, and I should like to discuss with you at an early date the questions in­volved. W ill you kindly advise me a date in the near future that w ill suit your convenience fo r such purpose, and oblige, Yours very truly, K-M. CC to Mr. Vogt fo r his information.