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    APPEN DIX A TERM INATION OF AGREEM ENT UPON FA ILU R E OF W ATER DISTRICT TO CONSTRUCT CERTAIN W ATER WORKS 34. In the event that the Water D is trict does not p rov id e w orks or fa c ilitie s to r e c e iv e d e liv e ry of water under this agreem en t b y Janu­a ry 1, 1957, BM I in its d iscre tio n m ay term inate this a greem en t upon giving th irty (30) d ays' w ritten n otice to the Water D is trict, and upon such term in ation neither p arty h ereto shall be lia b le to the other fo r any co sts in cu rre d in conn ection with this agreem en t. EM ERGENCY ST A N D -B Y SERVICE 35. A fter the con stru ction by the W ater D is tr ict of w orks to r e ­ce iv e d e liv e ry of w ater fr o m said Water F a c ilitie s pursuant to this a g r e e ­m ent, the p a rties h ereto agree during the term of this agreem en t to f u r ­n ish each other e m e rg e n cy stan d -by water s e rv ic e fo r the p u rp ose of p ro te ctio n of pu blic health and safety and the p reven tion of irre p a ra b le dam age to in du strial m ach in ery and equipm ent. In the event of such e m e rg e n cy either p arty m ay dem and d e liv e ry fr o m the other of not to e x ce e d eight m illio n (8, 000, 000) gallons of w ater p er day, p rov id ed that in no event shall the p arty upon whom such dem and is m ade be re q u ire d b y such d e liv e rie s to red u ce the quantity of w ater it has in stora g e b elow a safe le v e l. F or the p u rp ose of this paragrap h a safe le v e l of stora ge shall be a quantity of w ater equal to the average d aily w ater consum ption b y the p arty upon whom the dem and is m ade fo r the w eek im m ed ia tely p reced in g the dem and. The p arty upon whom the dem and is m ade m ay lim it d e liv ery of said water to the p e rio d of the e m e rg e n cy or fo rty -e ig h t (48) hou rs, w h ichever is le s s . No charge shall be due fr o m the p arty re ce iv in g d e liv e ry of w ater fo r e m e rg e n cy p u rp oses, but said p a rty shall within a r e a s o n ­able p e rio d of tim e re p la ce said water by d e liv e ry without ch arge of an equal quantity of w ater to the p arty upon whom the dem and was m a d e . U N CO N TROLLABLE FORCES 36. N either p arty shall be con sid ered to be in default in r e s p e c t to any obligation hereu n der, if prevented fr o m fu lfillin g such obligation b v re a so n of u n con trollable fo r c e s , the term "u n con trolla b le fo r c e s being d eem ed , fo r the p u rp oses of this agreem en t to m ean any cau se beyond the con trol of the p arty affected, including but not lim ited A - 14