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%r BCC Mr. J. M. Bates, Fire Inspector, Omaha, Nebraska Los Angolas* October 6* 1952 . If 7334 Wfv/J ( Mr« P. 0* Martin Los Angelos OCT 13 195? In accordance with your telephone request, the following is furnished 1 On a recent r l s i t of Mr* Bates, Fire Inspector, and Mr. Roberts, the matter of in sta lla tio n of fir e pump in v ic in ity of o il storage at Las Vegas was discussed with reference to pressure and volume of water available at that point. There was also discussion on the p o ssib ility of sale of Si* water to the Las Vegas Water D istrict and the probable development of an independent supply of water for Railroad Company purposes from the Shop well and complete separation of Railroad Company supply from the 24” main, with exception of one 10* connection whloh formerly served the Power House* Referring to plan recently prepared in your o ffice for development of Independent Railroad Company supply from Shop well, which provides for a 10* connection to Power House lin e referred to above, and which extends easterly along north side of BAB Shop to Shop Well* I t was thought th at, instsad of connecting to the 24* main, which i t is planned to s e ll to the Water D istrict, a 10* fir e pump eon* nectlon could be made to the 10* Power House lin e below the meter in a manner whichnwquld provide service for both the fir e pump and Shop Well?,L£tnereby elim inating the neoee-s lty of removing any oonneetlosi which might be made to the 24* lin e at a la ter date when th is lin e is sold to the water D istrict* In addition, i f 10* connection la made as indicated above, meter service would be provided for the fir e pump lin e , whloh would be in lin e with our testimony that a ll water taken from th is 24* main for Railroad pur* poses is metered, these meter readings being used for de* termination of b ill against the LVL&WCo* In view of the above; i t la my recommendation that the lin e to new fir e pump be connected to the existin g 10* Power House lin e below the meter, approximately as Shown on attached print, and that no connection be made to the existin g 24* main. LRM-d E. E. O* OCT 8 R. L. Adamson