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I agree.Form 30, Pipe lin e , Las Vegas, Hernia. October 5, 1909, 613. Mr. R. E. W ells, General Manager, B u ildin g. Bear S i r ; - R e fe rrin g to th e proposed enlargement o f th e-p ip e lin e along track in Vegas yard fo r purpose o f w aterin g coaches, e t c . , and answering your l e t t e r o f October 4fh, 1909, upon the su b ject. ' The 1475 fe e t o f ten inch pi|>e w i l l le a d from the, eigh teen inch water main from a point wher| i t crosses the track down th e track to about opposite the ic e house, a t •which p oin t i t is proposed ten inch . . . ~ even tu a lly to e re c t the/water crane now ly in g in Vegas yard, f o r the purpose o f w aterin g switch engines and any road engines which may not turn a t Vegas. ’ , ~ ' ;; • . Below,, or east o f, the water crane, and extending. 1100 fe e t to the f r e i ^ i t house, the pipe w i l l be reduced t o s ix inches in diameter, which w i l l be amply la rg e f o r the purpose o f w atering coaches and also a ffo rd in g f i r e p r o t e c t io n t o the depot and fr e ig h t house. I t is p o s s ib le, when I p e r fe c t th e water s e rv ic e layou t f o r the new Shops, the layout w i l l b e 's o arranged as to reduce by s e v e ra l hundred fe e t in length the 1475 fe e t o f ten inch pipe provided fo r . beforehand in the Form 30. I f th is is done, I w i l l /arrange with Mr. Jessup