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F O R M 3 0 -1 ( L a s t S h e e t ) W ORK ORDER A U TH O R ITY— Detail of Estimated Expenditures LAB m i l LAND AMP-HATER COHPAfflE-D E P A R T M E N T d i v i s i o n _januaty 1 3 -----195^ l o c a t i o n : Las V eg a s, Nevada d e s c r i p t i o n O F W O R K : i n s t a ll pressure reducing v a lv e In 1 8,.,. 8s* w ater main a t 17th S tre e t ant Charleston ioulevardv ya,section President’ s No. Nevada_ No_ Department 35A No-io e g - R . A N D E . ACCT. NO. * ITEM Q U A N T I T Y U N I T UNIT COST L A B O R M A T E R I A L TOTAL CHARGEABLE TO I N V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T O P E R A T I N G E X P E N S E S Hew Add:litlo n a l Materia1l -• pPrreeissure.Rf complete Inclu ding va e tc , and cover f o r ©o box - Company Property educing iv e s , f norete Valvo t tln gIS; Labor to I n s t a ll v a lv e and f i t t i n g s and construct concrete box. - Contract Contingencies bote: That p o rtio n o f the Oil Nevada Power Company Charleston Boulevard o f Charleston Bouleva A ir , Sunnyside and pr served through a singfL ton Boulevard. The a s t a n t ia lly low er than Company*s rig h t-o f-w a y the fa c t th at the entL water main not equlpp e cause o f excessive pr in ex cessive mainten&ace due numerous complaints or The In s t a lla t io n 17th S tre e t and Charlie to the e n tir e area de and elim in a te corspl&th pressure reducing valjr coordinated w ith snot a t a l a t e r d a te, In t e a s te rly from 15th St ty o f Las ¥0i rlgh t-o :-w a y Lmraedia'iely rd w M e ir a r e i oposed fJharl e 8 rt water bove dencrib the aroa we and tills r e area Is d w ith means 1918 1200 312 t e r ly of 3^30 extends souths 17th S tr e e t, 1 : assure !.n tho to In excessive j o f a pi'essu^ ston w l.ll p: crib ed abov^ ts fro n cus e a t 1 7 th 3 tier s im ila r he Qakey Bou' r e s t inlCteket .u 1 gas lyLng eas which 4»&st o f in o l is to n P main lo ca ted oh south d area ^ te r ly bf the Southern ffe re n p e in eleva tio n erved o f 00 es Ore3twood, ’ferk Sub 11 vision! ihrough b t r o lll an I (teseribgd above I s a l s o the w a sln g l ig press 5 means o f con' area aks preasurfe from home own § reducing v a lv e in 8 to v ld e and oraers. r e e t a t a lv e w evard Bouleiri the Sou r l y front nd south Eastwood s , is n s id e o f va tlo n Nevada , oaupl e e x is t! ure, Is and re use of them e r ly Bel f being Chari es- 4ub> Power w ith ng 8* the alults cw 11 reduce main The pressure ,bd Charleston I lio h i t i s p la rater main when ard. dai e rs, H w ater t r o l l i n g tenance s e t t i n g oulev&re, ed to i t is nn« main a t pressure costs o f th is w i l l be i n s t a l l, extended T O T A L 3»30 242S Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By_________________ D a t e ___________________ ' ^ 0 .19 Approved. .Approved 'When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.