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    Form 30-1 (Last Sheet) C. s 11-39-25M a g u e trial ik lO R K O R O E R A U T H O R IT Y — Detail of Estim ated Expenditures iNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY -D E P A R TM E N T South Central____ d iv is io n SHEET _ “ L or _ ~ _ S H E £ T S c ‘ ,,U1 L O C A T IO N : Las Vegas, Nevada d e s c r i p t i o n : Drill two water wells; construct pipe line connections; install pumps and motors and construct psutmalpl hotuesleesm;e tecro nswtirtuhc tc irccounictr;e ter empalta,c e po95w4e'r loifn e2 4"a ndr edm-wood, stave pipe—with President *8 no._ Nevada State- Valuation Section No.----------- department R.and E. ACCT.No. ? D E S C R IP T IO N IS NEW ADDITIONAL PROPERTY Q U A N T IT Y Drill two water wella Construct pipe line connections Install pumps and raoUors and construct pump houses Construct concrete mat Construct power line Install telemeter and construct circuit Cost of Parts to Replace Parts Retired 24" welded steel plp<s 95^' Fittings and cradles Labor Cost at Current Prions of Parts Retired 24" Redwood stave pipe 95^' Arbitrary percentage!* T O T A L U N IT U N IT C O S T 1.6*5 2.S3 LA B O R MATERIAL OR TRANSPORTATION CHARGES 12500 5 0 0 1050 U50 4650 150 250 1215 4260 100 500 2350 11515455 h75 256O T O T A L C H A R G E A B L E T O INVESTMENT ACCOUNT 3 is' M \9° P * 5 2 kn \(\ foOO 25645 2700 OPERATING EXPENSES 2350 2S510 2S2Q0 « Total Estimated Expenditure - Estimate By----- W«H. J. Date---------------- M a y 13 ,— 19^ H r f Approved- _App roved- *When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment Account and Operating Expenses show items separately.