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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Clark County Health Department Stewart and Second Sts* % m B0m$m Division of! Administration Hay $S# 1950 Hr# A. H. Folger Lae Vegas Land sM Water Oo# kol South Seooad Street Las Vegas, Itev&dft Dear HP# Folger! A» you know, title offle# and your own representative# have reoently picked up sample# of water froa th» eupply furnishing etCLlnary voter to oltlsene of Lae Vega, which show fecal con­tamination by standard laboratory methods, Several asiaples proved either questionable or unsafe la the area served hr the Ogden Street Hala. At that tine (Hay 10), I nailed you and the La# Vega# City Engineer to report and discuss same. It was my reecmmend&tion that the above line or line# Involved he flashe d and that chlorine he added to the water la the involved area. On Kay 12, la our conversation It v#e agreed that the entire system should get ohlorin#. All of this m m oarrled out accord- 1ms to your statement and test# at several point# for ehlsrine verified this# Than early last week X suggested that all source# Of water be sampled for testing* fhls was accomplished by your department with all samples being reported as satisfactory enoept th# *2dg Spring* supply, this sample showed focal eontN&astisA# fthhlrsou gshhoouutl d tbhee sryesotheemo*ked immediately and I suggest a. wide sampling It Is therefore my opinion that th# entire water supply should be chlorinated constantly as a safety measure, starting tIomm endaimaet eal y#,« rithere are severs! reasons to support such a request* 1# Apparently on# source of supply Is contaminated, 2m known recent contamination of the Ogden Street line# 3, Possible contamination where * source of ettcrljr shows contamination. I refer to the Big Spring water sample collected by your department, km Then seemingly, from all information X cut g»l», it has been a fairly ooranon practice to lay or cross water and sower lines at too close a distance for safety. Such jceocntd ittoi ocnosn, tIafm intahteiyo ne xaistt ,a lpll aticmee st.he water system sub­