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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    18, 1940 HGrh.a lJr.a an9. Allard CPuabnlolno cSiatmy,o aN eOvoaadnalaslon Dear sir: eonoernlngR eopolmyplianlgn tt of yroouar B laent Lt.e rP oafte Nroa voefm beSrea r9tchh,l ight, Nevada, regarding rata for watar earrloa furnished hie property ia Biook 7, Lot 8 of Ladd'a Addition. on the proWpheirtlye, Itth el aa atlrnu e etthreuroet uarree loan lfyr otnhtr leae d*ihvoiudseeds* Into three awperate apartment a. In addition, there are two aore apartaenta la the rear Baking a total of five. Another structure oontalna bath house and tolleta and we have applied the rate outlined la our rate aohedule whloh readat "APARIUEEaHofh HaOpaUrStEmSe Int without toilet or bath ... fl.50*. aetera serXvte ithsi sn optreodp etrhtayt. fivXfe wsee puasreadte w aetleeort areltoe lriaght wIetr weo uthlrde en ota paaartkaee natnay odrl fffievree,n otea utt o lunaa awnhueothh eara atlialr oa f our rates are on a flat rate basis the only aethod se have of oonputlng water ratea la by tbs number of pla ced served, for your oonvenlenee, X eaelose a rough penoll sketoh showing tta general layout. Ilr. Pahor at the fra Boat Auto Court pays the regular aohedule rate of fl.BO per unit. Xoura truly, LAS THUS LAND AND WATER GOUPANX Eno. TOeTnerTalO MaHna-ger