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    s J A M E S M . M O N T G O M E R Y CON SI' I TING ENG IN K E R 1.5 N O R T H O A K L A N D A V E N U E ncMulI UU, H*« 2 8 s« AM ’5*J E. E. B. mar 4 1954 PASADENA 1, CALIFORN IA RV*n ? 72 9 0 • 5 vc i * r » ! 3 7 i 2 9 M arch 1, 1954 M r. T hom as A. C am pbell 135 South F o u rth S tre e t L a s V eg as, N evada D ear M r. C am pbell: E n clo se d is a copy of the e x p e rie n ce r e c o r d of M r. W illiam C . R enshaw , who is now W ater E n g in e e r and Superintendent of the W ater D ep artm en t at Inglewood, C a lifo rn ia . At your su ggestion , I have been looking over the field fo r som e tim e to try to find a m an qualified to be Chief E n gin eer and G en eral M anager of the L a s V egas V alley W ater D is tr ic t. I co n sid er M r. R enshaw to be one of the outstanding m en in his field and the W ater D is tr ic t would be fortun ate if his s e r v ic e s could be se cu re d . I have d iscu sse d the situation with him and he is r e c e p ­tiv e . It m ight be d e sira b le for you to ask him to see you in L a s V egas if you feel that his q u alification s m e e t with the stan d ard s w hich you have had in m ind. To date M r. R enshaw is the only m an whom I have ap p roach ed . I should be glad to talk to one o r two o th e rs if you think it d e sira b le .