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\ PSC Hearing Due to Be Postponed LAS VEGAS MORNING 4-5-51 Hearing on the proposed , water rate increase for the Las Vegas Land and Water ! Co. is expected today to be f continued until a later date ;j to give the city time in which f to study evidence presented i by the water company arid : prepare an answer to its I claims. ' Union . Pacific railroad’s con- i suiting -engineer and rate expert, I R°„y Wehe of San Francisco,, con- j tiriued throughout yesterday’s afterhoon session before) the Nevada; Public Service Commission i under questioning by City A tty. J Howard Cannon, who is expected to conclude with the- witness this | 'morning. ' ? ., -. Additional water company witnesses are expected to follow Wehe and. their testimony will undoubtedly take most of today’s session. Robert Allen, PSC chairman, speculated he may continue the hearing after today’s session until protesting parties- haye had time to review-: the-testimony arid prepare their side of the issue. Meanwhile, it was disclosed that the Union Pacific railroad, which owns the water utility, his | included in its-.estimated budget of expenses for this year, provisions to install water -mains on I the, Westside and. had allocated j approximately $40,00b ? for that 1 purpose. , jjp In addition,' officials rcporled I the: Water ‘. company had’ eom- I pleted its work, of installing cen- | trifugai pumps to' assure in- , creased summertime- .water sup- f If®'' I" During- the - hearing, under ? cross-examination. b y Cannon, | Wehe admitted that the figures I he presented as. basis for the j i Water increase included about | $160,000 Written off during, the war as defense amortization, and picked up as a capital investment in subsequent years under, the . contention it had- not benefitted - by the write-off. | Cannon’s questioning established that the company, by combining the utility which is merely i a distributing agency,.: with the I San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt . Lake City railroad, owned by UP, ; was not consistent in its figures. He charged that at some points j ; the company combined its Hi«. i tribution and production statis- p tics, <«nd at"'' other times, sep- F arated them when the results- I SUN