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W aters - L as V egas S p rin g s Los Angeles, December 16, 1924. Mr. MeNamee: R eferrin g to your l e t t e r o f December 3d, and our several conferences, in regard to establishm ent o f t i t l e to the waters o f Las Vegas B ig Springs: I understand your p o s itio n to be that our t i t l e to the f u l l flow o f these springs is complete in that a l l o f the waters have been put to a b e n e fic ia l use fo r many years. You recommend, however, that we submit to the State Engineer o f Nevada p ro of o f th is ownership. An in spection o f the com pilation o f the water laws o f Nevada, which you have fu rnished, does not in d ica te c le a r ly to my mind that proof o f said ownership is necessary. The statu tes seem to contemplate the adju dication o f r e la t iv e rig h ts on streams where there are severa l users, o r where there are c o n flic t in g claims to the waters o f the stream. The l e t t e r o f the S tate Engineer which accompanied your l e t t e r suggests the a d v is a b ility o f our f i l i n g "a proof o f app ro p ria tio n " and "the gain in g o f c e r t i f i c a t e s . " As I understand your construction o f the. law, i f we f i l e d proof o f ownership, i t would be necessary to show upon what lands the water has been put to a b e n e fic ia l use. I t might be that we could not show use on a l l - o f the lands embraced w ith in the Clark Ranch. In your opin ion, would a c e r t i f i c a t e issued by the State Engineer lim it our rig h t o f use to the lands to which the use had h ereto fo re been applied? And i f such c e r t if ic a t e were so lim ite d , could we at some future time change the place o f use? I think these matters are o f considerable Importance, because we would not d e sire to accept a c e r t if ic a t e lim itin g in anywise our r ig n t to use th is water on the lands owned by the two companies. Stated another way: Would the advantage to be gained from making a m atter o f record our t i t l e to the property be subjected to any lim ita tio n s by a c e r t i f i c a t e issued by the engineer covering such rig h ts? X would lik e to have you consider these questions. Would I t not be a good plan to w rite to the S tate Engineer in response to h is l e t t e r that the t i t l e to a l l o f the waters