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upr000194 214


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - April 28, 1954 Tide Water Associated Oil Company 2406 East 28th Street Los Angeles 58, California G-entlemen* Please refer to your statement dated April 20, 1954, in the amount of #478.?9, covering charges for gasoline and other acces­sories furnished Las Vegas Land and Water Company, period ending with statement. In this respect I am returning here­with copies of Invoice dated April 7# 1954, in the amount of $4.63, and invoice dated March 12, 1954, in the amount of $5.88. it Is noted that these invoices were acknowledged by persona not employed by this company although stamp on these invoices indicates service was furnished to Las Vegas Land and Water Company. Will you kindly investigate same advising. In order to expedite payment per your statement, I have deducted the amounts of the above mentioned invoices from same, making the amount payable to your company a total of $468.28. Your comments on the above will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, Attachments - 2 MEDs ejp L. H. Maag