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    nr# Urn » 2 > 1 * 1 3 6 1 26 boot Mr* Wn. Reinhardt Hr* I, So Bennett 1r.&§ e&s odrsmt s# M M M f>*er $r* tostgoeierar* Xss eotmeetioa with “t o addition® to tSsst of tbm ' ^M0. GaB&ort, the is | i jtt which w ill be ed&ttd to the ©nee under tews* of j^aneeMiit' with the ttetor c«aj»ijjr towerings e#|.e of ereten to the U a wegae teller -^oter District# 1 a® eenatna «t*g herewith# too oopiee of o«r *Pat*lt of M ftaeieft %jmm6£twm* aa&rtt beded j p&troajgegc ti tw#h iIchM iSt otoo^ eprroipm!o soedo ot»ot onm»no<w» moftp t aosf cmjeioft ttoa i« w s l of our exeaetlvee tssi# tonditlene « i oeteA cm toe tm o of tia* © sti^tes Gonatnjat ifpree& aeteif 1395 °f •* |J|| UP ohfy d6r*a ntto ooto oinreooni ieaontee rto w eiennse i tmtHr 7y0m Im# to fto »ta tefei re sofcdinoion# toe fegee# fMwwdn# ? I «e also Mtt&toe too herewith* tot# print® of war SrewtuB **1125 d&tod feoenber 22# 1953# elwetne location M tHat of proposed water If »oa aearciee the oanetruotion of toe project on tbe_to»i® of date referred to etow## w ill, jroo plea®# approve one oopy of tote le tte r and ie tv n to ns*# Uerrf V* f ille r tor fortoer ftejffitpg a i» «pproe»l. tar fir# Tbotnie i» ciwastoill# ^eirae©* fcsard or Director®# Vega* v «ll«r tutor m etric^ as muriUN* under -ieotton 13 of *£*•«**» tt?W doted Jose 1# 1953# towering n mtm of toe water M g tootles# *tmm end dietdbtfttoB orgton to M htetrM * in to® e^«oo BW icW on toe carton SM| of tote le tte r which i® sent goo In d^P**** oat®* one mpw o f tod® le tte r cppreeed h5 W CeepMl# vAelrrsen# aberd of fitrtotore# etodld be ^turned to »# tonne weg*r trod?# '2^/C Av^> ISOlf: 10 02 M l i / m t H I S T tr# Hefty & £ & « ? Approved th is JSaf of 175*h L A S Vm>AS V A t t J V H A f S R DIST R I C T