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    Director Hiller felt that circumstances at the American Legion Clubhouse warranted special consideration. Director Thorn explained that he understood the American Legion’s problem, but did not feel he could give special consideration to them without giving other customers tbe same consideration. A motion was duly made by Director Miller, and seconded by Director Rose-vear, that the Manager be instructed to install a meter at the American Legion Clubhouse and commence billing under metered rates forthwith. The Directors were polled with Directors Campbell, Cornwall, Miller and Hosevear voting aye. Director Thorn voted no. The President noted that the motion had carried by four affirmative votes. President Campbell advised that in view of the above action, it was under­stood that the American Legion would, pay the delinquent account as billed under the flat rate. Hr. Howard advised that he would send a check to cover the balance due immediately. Messrs. Hardy, Howard and Taylor were excused from the meeting at 5:05 P.M. JUBILEE TRAILER PARK - DELINQUENT ACCOUNT President Campbell announced that before consideration of the next matter, the Jubilee Trailer Park delinquent account, he was disqualifying himself since Mr. Bigelow, who operated the trailer park, was a business associate of his in the Campbell Realty Company. He asked Secretary Miller to take the chair. Secretary Miller declined and Director Cornwall was appointed temporary Chairman. President Campbell was excused from the meeting temporarily. Chairman Cornwall noted the presence of Mr. Bigelow and asked the Manager to review the situation for the Directors. Manager Renshaw advised that the Jubilee Trailer Court has 68 trailer spaces, but that Mr. Bigelow had advised that business had been falling off and requested an adjustment in the water bill, refusing to pay the amount due. Following a recent discussion with Mr. Bigelow, it was agreed that if the vacant spaces were plugged off, he would only be billed for the balance of the spaces. The Manager noted that a check of the trailer park today showed that 18 spaces had been plugged, therefor charges would be based on 50 spaces instead of the original 68. However, the delinqu­ent balance due is $449. In response to a question by Director Miller, Mr. Bigelow advised that he was not satisfied with this adjustment and felt that the present rate was unfair and should be decreased. He noted that the water bill figured out 1556 of the gross revenue at full capacity. He estimated that 90% of the trailers were not modern and, theee-for did not use as much water as others. He requested that a meter be installed at the trailer park and offered to pay for the meter, its installation and $50 a month for a man to read the meter. Director Miller asked why part of the water bill could not be passed on to the tenant. Mr. Bigelow advised that most of the tenants were in the low income bracket and could 'not stand the increase, and mould probably move out if he raised the rent, which is now set at $27 per month. It was brought out that the power bill is being passed on to the tenants in the form of a monthly charge. Following a general discussion, it was the consensus of the Directors present that they could not make any change in rates or install a meter for one trailer park without doing the same for « n others. Chairman Cornwall advised Mr. Bigelow that he felt the matter should be considered by a full Board, if possible, since it would re­quire a policy decision, and agreed to put the matter on the agenda for the next regular