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I agree.I 9 F reig h t h i l l s Johns-lianvillo Co., Los Angole s, Juno 19, 1916 F ile 613 Mr. G. J. Vogti Enclosed herew ith is a l e t t e r from the H. W Johns-Jlanvillo Company, dated Juno 9th,- enclosing t h e ir h i l l to cover fr e ig h t charges on c e rta ifi shipments - o f m aterial required in connection w ith the in s t a lla t io n o f drinking water c o o lin g system a t nas Vegas fo r th is Company, imcjfer con tract dated March 26, 1916, which was r e fe r r e d to in my l e t t e r o f even date, to lir. Sloan, a carhon copy o f which was sent to you. W ill you k in d ly arrange f o r a refund o f these charges, a d visin g me. SCB/WHJ C hief Engineer. Claim #320-1, f o r fr e ig h t charges paid on fr e ig h t h i l l L-393, 5/24/16. f 61.12. iS'0%,