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upr000089 148


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    Agreement HOW, THEREFORE, 111 consideration of ths mutual cove­nant a and agreements herein contained, it Is agreed as follows* Section 1, The District agrees that it will, at its sole cost and expense and within one fear from the sale date, remove from the premises of the Union Pacific the following pipe lines and pols linesi (a) That certain pipe line shown in broken black and whits line between points Kg and LD on said Exhib-it *A». (b) That certain 8-inch cast iron pipe line shows in broken black and white line between points II and JJ on said Exhibit "A". (c) Th&t certain three-wire power line shown in broken black and green line between points AA and BB on said exhibit MA”| and restore the surface of the lands of ths Union Pacific to ths condition existing prior to ths removal thereof. Section 2, At any time after two years from the sals date and after giving the District sixty (60) days* written no-tics of its intsntion so to do the Union Pacific shall hav# ths right (a) to construct an adequate pipe line of a ca­pacity equal to or exceeding that of the existing 24- inch cast iron pips lins and 16-lneh transits and cast iron pipe line shown on said Exhibit "A* by broken black and red lines and of a type and else to be mu­tually agreed upon} and in the event the parties can­not agree upon the character of said proposed pipe line within ninety (90) days after said written no-