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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I Bee. 23, 1910. 1199 G. Tilton. CM of Engineer. - Dear Sir: The Executive Committee hap authorized the conetruotion of twenty additional houses at lee,Vegas for Company employees. I am today talcing up with the officials of the Land Company to designate what lota they think should he picked out for these housesand also as to whether they think it test to huild all 4-room or all 5-rooin, or e$ual number Of each as in the past. I will no doubt' have this information in two or three days. In the meantime it might he well for you to get up your estimates^ hared on the actual cost of the houses just com; leted, and he ready to submit form 30 to cover construction as soon as we decide on the'lots and the number of room houses we will huild. Eery truly yours, CC- Kr,.W. m Bancroft. V