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    ***** fblger la of opinion our present role is &s fair anfi equitable me o©n be made to ©over all oases «nd from a public relatione standpoint it would create a very unfavorable reaction if we# in view of Homellini request, recommend a modification of m r present rule. However, I urn of the opinion we will be in & more favorable position before the Commission if w© suggest modification of our present rule. »hen the Public Service Commission agreed to the cancel** lation of Hula IMS, is l$43# the order provided? "That if# at some future tine, the growth of Lae Vegas, il evade, demands that the rule again is necessary, the Company will be required to reinstate this rule in its rules and regulation##* and I em fearful that, if the feomelllni Company should tale the natter to the Commission, it would order a reinstatement of that rule. As the obligation to complete a given number of house# doe® not assure that the houeee will be occupied, thus producing water revenue to the Hater Company# X recommend that we be authorised to submit to the ieveda Public service Commission for approval the following modification of our former' Rule SMS# which I am sure will be acceptable to the Oommiseion, will meet the objections of Hemailis! and other Housing Project develop­er ® end at the same time fully protect our interest®: Suggested Buie t-xtension# to serve Subdivisions* Tract® and Housing l £ 2 2 M M Applicants for mein extension® to serve subdivisions# tracts or housing project® shall be required to advene® to the Company before construction is commenced the estimated reasonable total installed cost of the necessary facilities and to deliver to the Company m easement 10 feet In width and in form acceptable to the Company# where such water mains are to be laid in other than dedicated streets and alleys. The else, type and quality of material® and loca­tion of the lines shell be specified by the Company and actual construction will be done fey the Company or by a contractor acceptable to it. Adjustment of any difference between the estimated and reasonable actual total instal­led cost thereof shall be made after the completion of the installation. At the time of making said advance of the estimated