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Las Vegas, March. 39, 1940. W 33-3-3 Mr. Frank Strong, Vice President, LVL&WCo., Los Angeles, Gal. Dear Sir: Is it the unde r s t a n d i n g that the new well, w h i c h has just b e e n drilled, will not b e piped over to the settling basin prior to the w o r k contemplated in recovering w a t e r from the open spring? grave mistake, as our w a r m w e a t h e r at present and the new homes built du r i n g the past Fall and Winter are starting lawns, and the consumption of water is heavier even than we anticipated. Very shortly, we w i l l have the same cry from domestic users and the city commis s i o n about shortage of water. n e w well to the settling basin is on hand; w o u l d it not be possible to have this new line laid at once to augment our present supply? In case, as s u g ge s t e d b y Mr. Greene, the open spring is to be housed and water r u n into the s e t t l i n g basin through this same pipe, a tee oould be placed at the point of intersection and the o p e n spring w a t e r could be turned in any time this job is finished. However, there is a difference in elevation of 4 feet or more b e t w e e n the open spring a n d the pipe line running from Well No-3 to the settling basin, which would require the operation ofa pump to lift the water if carried t h r o u g h this same line. w i t h Well No-3 and the settling b a s i n is made at the earliest opportunity. If so, this, I believe, w i l l be a very The pipe for transmission m a i n from the W i l l y o u please see that this connection W A L T E R R . BRACK Vice President. W . H. J. MAR 3 0 1940