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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    m gjjL - Los Angeles W 23-1-24 Lae Vegas - December 3, Your letter Kov. 27 to CEB water mains Charleston Square WC-522. Pipe Co. promised 4 weeks delivery if we placed order promptly and I an anxious to get this in place before end of year to 'avoid necessity asking Auditor to Include appropriation In 1946 Carry Over at this late date. Subdividers signed agreement we presented, advanced cash and have number of houses under construction to relieve housing shortage here, which will soon require water. Anticipate no difficulty in securing re-execution of contract as essence unchanged, therefore request you ask CAR to release order to Pipe Cs. today and add four 6x6 tees and four 6* C.X. plugs for fire hydrants in tract. B-20 WEB cc LA ficNastse 10$20 AM