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    \ Page 8 - 5/14/54 Re* ’ W. Co. Dist. System 41. Your File No. 1-1077. H. S. Stocks, grantor. Easement dated March 31, 1954 and recorded April 5, 1954, as Document No. 7179, Clark County, Nevada records. Covers: Parcel No. 1: The West Five (5) feet of the East Half (E f) of the Southeast Quarter (SE^) of the Northwest Quarter (NW£) of the Southeast Quarter (SE£) of Section 35, Township 20 South, Range 61 East, M. D. B. & M. Parcel No. 2: A strip of land 5 feet in width immediately West of and adjacent to the West line of Lots 1 to 10 inclusive of Sunrise Association Stocks Subdivision No. 1, as shown by map thereof on file in Book 4 of Plats, page 25, in the office of the County Recorder of Clark County, Nevada. Being a portion of the East Half (E§) of the Southeast Quarter (SE$) of the Northwest Quarte r (NW|) of the Southeast Quarter (SE$) of Section 35, Township 20 South, Range 61 East, M. D .B . & M. 42. Los Angeles k Salt Lake Railroad Company, and its Lessee, Union Pacific Railroad Company, Utah corporations, grantors. Easement dated March 31, 1954, and recorded April 22, 1954, as Document No. So86, Clark County, Nevada records. Covers portions of the Southeast Quarter (SE£) of the Southeast Quarter (5E£) of Section 28, Township 20 South, Range 61 East, M .D .B . k M. and the Southwest Quarter (SW j) of the Southwest Quarter (SW£) of Section 27, Town­ship 20 South, Range 61 East, M. D. B. k M. 43. Stewart-Ogden Apts. , Inc., grantor. Easement dated April 27, 1954 and recorded April 27, 1954, as Document No. 9052, Clark County, Nevada records. Covers portions of Lots in Block 6 of the Amended Plat of Noblitt Addition. 44. Federal Homes, In c,, grantor. Easement not dated and recorded December 1, 1953 as Document No. 419172, Clark County, Nevada records, covers portions of lots in Beverly Green Tract No. 1. The above easement was later dated November 27, 1953 and re-recorded December 23, 1953, as Document No. 420837. (See preceding Paragraph No. 23) We have not made an examination of the record title of each parcel over which the above easements have been granted to ascertain that each owner joined in the con­veyance of a proper easement. Therefore, this report is not intended to guarantee that ail the easements set forth herein are valid easements. However, this office has issued numerous easement guarantees covering the more recent easements granted to the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, and it is assumed the majority of the easements eet out in this report have been guaranteed by this company to be valid easements.