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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I ^ • .... San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Subject’. Kiel Ranch, Vegas Valley, Hev. Salt Lake, Utah, 11/3/03. Mr. J. Ross Clark, Vice president, Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Sir:- I have yours of October 26th relating to the lease of the Kiel Ranch in the Vegas Valley. I have no copy of this lease, but I find in Mr. Whittemore's office a copy and enclose a duplicate of it. As you will see, the date of expiration was first given as September 1st, 1903, which has been changed by erasure to December 1st, 1903. I am unable to explain the erasure as I have never seen the lease before and Mr. Whittemore has been oxjit of town ever since I returned. I will take the matter up with him when he comes back and write you immediately. Very respectfully, ! | Mf b^a^tnJ^d First AssEngineer. Inc