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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-62


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    Whereas, it is deemed necessary in order to protect the rights and interests of the said City of Las Vegas and its citizens that further provision should be made with respect to the de­livery of said deed of re-conveyance as hereinafter set forth, and Whereas, one of the principal considerations for the making and delivery of said deed of re-conveyance was and is the assurance that the said tract of two (2) acres is to be used by the government of the United States of America as a site for the erection and maintenance thereon of a Federal Building or Buildings after the conveyance of said tract of two (2) acres to the government of the United States of America, the United States of America or some department thereof, or to some officer or officers of said United States of America or of some Department thereof as a site for the erection and maintenance thereon of a Federal building or buildings, and it is also and now considered and was considered in the adoption of said Resolution at this meeting, as aforesaid, that provision should be made for the reconveyance to this City of said two acre tract in the event said two (2) acre tract is not within a time, hereinafter prescribed, conveyed by the said Las Vegas Land and Water Company to the government of the Untied State of America, the United States of America, or some department thereof, or to some officer or officers of said United States of America or of some Department thereof as a site for the erection and maintenance thereon of a Federal building or buildings, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that as a further condition precedent to the delivery of said deed of re-conveyance by said Mayor and City Clerk they shall on behalf of said City of Las Vegas, under the hands of the said Mayor, attested by the said City Clerk under the seal of said City, enter into an agreement with said Las Vegas Band and Water Company upon the following conditions: 1. That in the event said two (2) acre tract is not so conveyed by said Las Vegas Land and Water Company to the government of the United States of America, the United States of America, or some department thereof, or to some officer or officers of the United States of America, or of some department thereof as a site for the erection and maintenance thereon of a Federal building or buildings, within eighteen months from this 2nd day of December, A. D. 1929, then and in that event said City of Las Vegas, acting by and through its Board of City Commissioners, or of some officer of said City authorized and empowered to make such demand, re-convey said two (2) acre tract to said City of Las Vegas under deed with the same provisions as are contained in that cer­tain deed bearing date the 51st day of May 1929, made by said Las Vegas Land and Water Company to said City of Las Vegas, which deed is of record in Book 14 of Deeds at page 560, Clark County Nevada Records, wherein all water and/or water rights that may be appurtenant to said land are expressly excluded from the conveyance, and said land, with the appurtenances are conveyed to said City of Las Vegas in trust for public park purposes only. The vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners R. W. Thomas, O.J. Smith, and L.B. Hansell and His Honor the Mayor J. F. Hesse voting Aye. Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioner Thomas seconded by Commissioner Hasnell the following Preambles, and Resolution were duly adopted: WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this Board that the Union Pacific System, through one of its Bus operating subsidiaries, has applied to the Nevada Public Service Com­mission for a certificate of Public Convenience to operate a bus line along Route 91, in this State, and WHEREAS, said Company is now operating a bus line along said Route, interstate be­tween California, Nevada, and Utah, and this City os being greatly benefited by said operations and, WHEREAS, this City will be more greatly benefited by said Bus Line, if it is permitted to haul passengers between Las Vegas and Jean on the south, and Las Vegas, and Mesquite and inter­mediate points on the north, thereby bringing all of said towns and stations within closer prox­imity to this City, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board of City Commissioners of this City of Las Vegas deem it to be for the best interest of this City and this community that said Certi­ficate of Public Convenience, be granted, and does hereby reguest and urge the Public Service Commission of this State to grant said application notwithstanding a like certificate has al­ready been granted to the Pickwick Company, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be sent by telegraph to said Public Service Commission. Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, Hansell, and Smith, and His Honor the Mayor Hesse voting Aye. Noes None. The Clerk was directed to send a copy of the above Resolution to the Public Service Commission at Carson City at once, and to also notify by wire the R. E. Hazard Contracting Co. of San Diego, and R. L. Watson of Las Angeles to be present at the meeting of the Board of City Commissioners on December 4th 1929 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. in regards to the sign­ing of the contracts for the paving, and the concrete curbs, and gutters. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time the meeting re­cessed until Wednesday the 4th day of December at the hour of three o'clock P.M. DECEMBER 4TH, 1929 At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas Nevada, held on the 4th day of December 1929 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor J. F. Hesse, Commissioners Smith and Hansell together with the City Att­orney and Clerk. Absent Commissioners Thomas, and German. Minutes of meetings of November 27th, 29th, and December 2nd read and approved as read. There upon the Board entered into a discuss on as to the amount of Bonds the City would have to issue to cover the City's share of the new paving, and curbs and gutter improvement. There being no further business to cone before the Board at this time the meeting then adjourned. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA.