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Tiza Stewart real estate documents




1930 to 1939


Tiza Stewart real estate documents

Digital ID



    man000130. Helen J. Stewart Papers, 1869-1978. MS-00171. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    C. D. BAKER. C. E.
    W A T E R
    R IG H T S
    A. R. TH O M PSO N. C. E. E. W . BANISTER. E. M.
    M IN E R A L
    P A T E N T S
    N eva d a E n gin eerin g and Construction S ervice, Inc.
    11 F r e m o n t S t r e e t LAS VEGAS, NEVADA T e le p h o n e 238
    September 30, 1931,
    ^red S. Alward,
    C ity,
    Dear Sirs
    The follow ing is^the lega l description o f the 50 f t . triangle,-
    t 4*n e -f-a a Ft f h o cnSZl. TVTTPJL m 9 a C t > /• t nf tv « „«r
    E 6
    d / o f land situate in the SWj lT®t Sec. gif, T. 20 S , , E , 61 E«, M. D. B & M.,
    County, levada# ^ ?sci*t &pcf^ ar?d feet* &7 c/z & //. u- y/
    Beginning at a point on the east lin e o f right o f way o f State
    Highway crossing said 3WJ ITE-4- Sec. 2% said point being the intersection 0
    said right o f way line with the east lin e o f Sfjj HEi Sec. 2STand 839.4 f t .
    northerly from the SE. corner thereof; thence-S. 27°45’ W. 50 f t . along
    said est right o f way lin e to a p oin ty thence at right angles southeasterly
    26.4 f t . to a point on east lin e o f SWj- Mfc Sec. 2j?; thence northerly 56.6
    f t . along east lin e o f SW-j ITE-5 Sec. 2^-to the place o f beginning, containing
    • 015 acres,7 ** :
    1 r
    R E G I S T E R E D E N G I N E E R S
    S u r v e y s , M ap s, In v e s tig a tio n s a n d R e p o rts .
    b: l' />
    AGEEMENT made and executed in duDlicdte th 1 <? a +h ^ , .. ,. . .
    H. A. Anderson and E liz a J Andersen - - - - - - * th <*** 01 ** second party, ^naeison . lM , t party , and Carl A°o^rtbenesro,n1 9 3—1,- b--e-t-w---e-en
    contained^on^the th e^ econ d ^ D u rti0- ^ £ " ! “ “ * • * nd h erein after
    convey unto the second p a S y a n ! said I t S?5l !"? performed, agrees to s e l l and
    erty situate ini. tthh e ro-Ci ou,n tiy ou* f \■Ala4ric i -ortaeteH o/i h\e vlaa¥a, Lde sctrCi\b,ebdU ya’ s tfooaltl o^wr*t a itn n -wrei a l. prop-
    . i S itu ated in -unfeet Park Subject to r e s t r i c t i o n * 'r
    at d a r k County Courthouse Las Vegas?, Ne vada Said nre-Ms nS 83 o f r* ° or<i«
    thereon, sh a ll not be used f o r anv^dnlarfoi n n r J S l P« f ^ i Ses a a an? improvements
    f o r the sun o f *5400.00-------law ful monev o f 7t h i U n f ? ^ PS + t * o r , h°^ se o f P r o s titu tio n .
    a ^ f o l l o w s
    F T / ' ! ^ b T s « i -
    paymenttfrom tea date hereof u n til paid. Interest payable ° ™ ! t t i l v ’ ° " 811 def!,rred
    pt e n ! ! ! ! S h * « o n ? * ^ m i e d ln by the -i r ^ as to-conform w ith the' r e c e i -
    tense h e r e o f, the f i r s t party may at i t ! option be’ K i e f f i ! }L ? W K H V * f"J o f the •
    umed or to be paid by the s !c o n ! p a fty ’ “ t 1* taxes “ na » « « « i « i t . ass-
    Abstract apany showing ti t ie , when Ifull payments are made. Nevada T i t le and mu 4 „ _ " , , V _ ------ 4 ■ v —~X I>. _ w»A*-Vw w« ** Ji j-c. i v liAtciiu o ait IIaU Q6 **
    This agreement s h a ll not bind the f i r * t rwT’ i v i - . .
    c-ndi t i c - s "h ereof ’ T “ ° has any’^ t l o ^ '
    ?o ffff>e?r ttoo t?hhe? parDty o?f nthhem °Sf i:rys tS aipda rtt0 a nad“ y s4heelnl t nuopt ono btlhigiast ec ms at rida cfti rsshta lcl abret d? !e eA“ .a c ! l - ean!
    t i l the whole amount so paid has been a c o e i e d by said f i r s t party y
    t i s understood and agreed that the p ro v isio n s h e r e o f s h a ll aDnl- to and h«nd
    toel r eSs s ! ! t o r ofS tt o ? ! r! A « m ! ! ? ? ° rS and “ M 8 ° f the * a r t l * s h e r e t° . A d that t i A is o f
    and ye“ r mf I S f h ! “ w ; i « e en?a r t ‘ eS herct,i have dd? ' 4 “ * « d th is agreement on the day
    K A Anderson
    1*. And i
    Received o f _____
    _* vlf.rk County , vaaa.
    _(Address) thelsum o f y
    The t o t a l p ric e sh a ll"
    sum o f v______ s h a ll be paid a t the r a te o f
    fe r r e d payments-at the rate o f 7 per ceritl
    This r e c e ip t is given and is^acc; r, ted t n i t n 4 «a X m _ ___ J • .*>
    v______per mo nth, here a f t e r ,
    ;er annuu-.', payable monthly,
    subject to a l l of the terms
    Vegas, Nevada_____, 192
    apply on the purchase p rice of
    ___ and the balance, t o - w i t : the
    w ith in t e r e s t on dea
    id con ditions conbe
    f i l e d in «nd PYpnllte .. v „ * ZC3 ° *«*■ uereoi ana wnicn contract w i l l
    i x i f r ln a , executed by_ _ upon tne acceptance by i t o f the sum f i r s t above nent-i r,
    eo. This r e c e ip t is given s u ^ e c t to owner’ s acceptance ana approval
    „ +. 1 a ®c®Pt tn i s r e c e n t and agree to M l o f the con ditions t h e r e o f' And uoon the ere-
    ^ . Wltnin con tract-by said____ t_ th e blanks are fillL e d i n f the same s h a ll c S s i -
    lt u t e the whole agreement between the unutersigned and said
    And upon exe-
    Garl m or tenson
    Purchaser and Party o f the
    Second Part
    A S S I G K M E NIT
    t nr- dt fw m -H M v , ■ , Las Vegas, Nevada, «anuarv 16, 1934
    T-io-h + ’ tCti T~Ny>0Iv» hereby a s s ig n , s e l l , t r a n s fe r and set ever unto H Vike a l l cf mv
    r ig h t , t i t l e and in t e r e s t in and to the con tract on the reverse sid e hereof and in and tn
    tra r e a l p ro p erty mentioned in s a id c o n tra c t, upon the fo llo w in g consider at icn “ m f
    The payment by sa id R ,ike t o me o f the,..sum o f Phi r t y - fo u r D o lla r s ” r^34 00} r e c e ip t ^ b e -
    rn?f b1 S Teuy ajJpi0J(led « e d > ®nd the payment o f the sum o f One Hundred Thirty D ollars ( -130
    00) by s a ia rf, Vike t o R. A. Anderson at. the ra te o f Ten D ollars ( v10) » r S n th to be ‘
    paid to Linton Lorgan, a tto r n e y f o r -a id R. A. Anderson^ a t his o f f i c e in Las Velas Nevada,
    on or b efo re the 4th day o f each arid every month u n t i l the f u l l sum o f One Hundred
    T h irty d o lla r s has been t a i l , togeth er * i th intereat^on d e f e n d v/o per annum. - * -v^ OI
    IN WI -TNESS WHE RE OF, I have hereunto s e t my hand th is 18th day o f January, 1934.
    i Carl Morten son
    Dari Mor.tetnson
    T ^ Las Vegas, Nevada, January 18, 1934 .
    hhoe rae oJf b?y* T%Cea rJl 0M,.aonrdt enacs<o‘ne.P t the terms oif the assignment of the contract on the rever1 s- ee o«?iiadee
    3. Vl^e.___________
    R. vik e
    i-has Vegas, Nevada, January 18, 1934.
    .w o it, # 1 v ®i ^k er e_e t0 thf assignment of the Contract on the rov r s t side ht r e o f by Carl mort n .-on
    .V IA iO
    2IHAJI v X/ TXMV T T i
    C . a P r Y , c D 9TC7.&U Q u i t c l a i m d e e d lo ysb Bidt aO
    *et£tS bits Biss lot fens nx *DiWnf
    Bit&MS Rucksr* *alwbaknown* as'TlZa Stewart, also known as h undersi ed, for and
    Eliza J. Stewart 9 in
    corisiderafion of ihe Vumeot acknowledged, do‘ by
    these presents hereby release", remise, sell and f6reV&r quitclaim i f ’ [Cf$
    Mwnicipal Cprporatic>n, of .the. County pf ,Clark, State of Nevada, all our right, title and interest
    9 , » -• vjt jildirl ysston in and to the following described property, lo-wit:
    A certain tract or parcel of land lying fend being situate in the County
    of Clark, State of Nevada, and being more particularly described as follows,
    to-wit: ^
    The 3 outh jjTfe^t of the North 30 feet of the Northeast one-quarter ( nE^)
    of 'fee Northeefit one-quarter (NEj); of Section 27, Township 20, South Range
    61 East, MlD.Bf & M. lying West; of! Main Street | : !
    ' ^ f
    MM -i o c
    X\, t
    -ii - . • i*
    ?;.V; X1.!
    For the following described uses and purposes:
    For street purposes
    TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said above described premises unto said grantee, its successors or
    assigns, as long as used for said
    Irposes. street purposes
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this the
    ,1 9 .
    f t
    y p l "v jr .
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    Treasurer and Ex-Officio Tax Receiver of the County of
    Clark, State of Nevada, do hdr&by ^certify that on t h e . . . d a y of..^ 2 /. w fy i-A. D.
    7StsO .
    in whose name the hereinafter mentioned property, real and personal, was assessed for the year
    in due form of law, tendered and paid to me the sum o f..............................
    Dollars, being in full paymenyp^ the purchase pry*e paid by
    ~....... . ............ ~ K ...................
    at thesale^pf the said property hereinafter described, made me on the............................ day of
    A. D., 19-^f..4^ under virtue and by virtue of a delinquent tax sale
    for ^ie year.Z^.J?..^/, in conformity with the statute in such cases made and provided. That,
    thereupon, I received said^tim of money so tendered and paid, as aforesaid, and have granted and
    executed to s a i d m y Certificate of Redemption of said property,
    in conformity with the ^xalme in such cases made and provided.
    The premises jso redeemed, or intended to be redeemed, are described as follows, to w it:
    STATE OF N E V A D A )
    On ......., A. D. personally appeared before me,
    ;he undersigned authority in and for the County of Clark, State of Nevada, W. B. MUNDY,
    d E x-O fficio^Tax. Receiver in and for the County of Clark, State of Nevada,
    ....... ...known to me to be the official described in and
    //who executed the foregoing &strummit, who acknowledged to me that he executed the same, as
    such official, freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein mentioned.
    w m : l : s c o t t
    ©unity Citric ltd Ex-Gfficio Clerk of tho Eighth )adlo»#
    District Court, Clark Cotfpty Nevada
    B y - ^ S
    d e p u t y
    tiyjt •u i IMmuj ,
    fj. «
    February 22, 1938
    The undersigned, TI2A STIWa RT„ hands you
    herewith a deed convoying Lot 30, Block 11 of Clark*a
    Laa Vegas Townsite to Harvey !. Luce a 2j. d (5- 1 a dy a If. Xj u o e ,
    his wife, as Joint tenants, and Harvey I. Luce hands
    you herewith his check in your favor for the sum of
    |2500*00, when, after recording said deed, you can
    issue your policy of title insurance in favor of said
    Harvey E, Luce and wife as joint tenants, subject to!
    . ‘^*1' .'h.v /.■. * ". < • - V y > ? •• - !.'*&.. fr? V - “ rt •-•.-• • U^-vir-v* • * w t.• A>;Sf. -v v*fci'LX ■ Lj .:¥ m”
    > : /; ' v ■ % •''• RK.'i.-/1 . y . * - v # - ggAAQafcfKV X L fi Z •*• -fi t J | it I f j l - ,'. ■ *%>>;> •’*’5».m> l ' 'V ' r f / f _
    ■> : FIRST:' All taxes and assessments levied
    f. ’-■- .*- vSB&££$S - X/tM y -Tyi' viv’&vVi V - ;• ' -•»:?••.. ► ■('t - < ■ ;•;! ’ T~*'*V ~ ~~ J L - ± " - ' ' T J ? ' 'd % ''j ." ■■^J '-.'\ ^ - ' CV >r^5fe«?'‘? " i^ >* Vvv Q f - i _ ‘ ■*■?: .i- r , -r.^. S'- 3 ? n « i *Mi r~* iV l |T~ V liP gl'i
    against said premises for the year 1938 and subsequent
    thereto I
    SEOOBD* Reservations and restrictions conf5#
    tained in the deed for saidzM jmlot from Las Vegas Land and
    Water Company}
    THREE i The reservation of minerals contained
    in the state land patent. ■ ' ■ . ' ' ■ . - f , ;-■ / -: -, '■ ~- ' - , ; - r . V : r . / i ; -- • . •. ■ / . ..'■ ■ . • - ‘ . ' . '- • ; • . •; T r ' - - T ' ’ -':r- f . ' ' - v . . i - - - ^ r ' o r y - ' i / ' -■ '■ -• v - r : > : - •. - ' . . r:. ... •. - ‘ ■ •■ ' -. -■ :'-. ',.. / ; •
    Then you will cause said deed to bs recorded
    and you will pay over to Tiza Stewart tile, said sum of
    |2500*00, after deducting therefrom all taxes and assess-*
    meats levied against said lot for the year 1937, and
    prior thereto.§ The premium on your policy of title insuranoe
    will be paid by Harvey I, Luce upon your demand
    Inf case, you find any defects fin the title, so
    that the same is not insurable, you will proceed to take
    suoh steps as necessary to cure such defects, and the cost
    of preparation of instruments and recording fees in order
    ■ m
    / 1
    to cure such defect, shall be borne by said Tiza Stewart*
    In case you are unable to issue your policy
    of title insurance as aforesaid within fifteen days from
    the date hereof, you will then return said deed to Tiza
    Stewart for cancellation upon her demand therefor, and
    you will return said sum of #2500.00 to said Harvey 1.
    Luce upon his demand therefor.
    Cost of revenue stamps and recording fees
    / ‘ i> • v. *■ ^ rfa3~. ~ 1 'wl', jp t8w '*2? y \n.. -S^Jt^hv. j •> - <f ' *•> • * J ,' ~ -J '■l'- ■” — = -^- for said deed shall be borne by said Luce.
    m ;i .-
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    E - 3 4 ESCROW SETTLEMENT e s c r o w noLV-1799
    W1TH iJLb # l j
    Tiza Stewart___________________________________
    IN A C C O U N T W IT H
    P i o n e e r T i t l e In s u r a n c e a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y
    440 C O U R T S T R E E T P H O N E 4791
    R E S O U R C E S O V E R $600,000.00
    Receipts Harvey Luce
    Escrow Fee
    Policy Fee
    Trustee’s Reconveyance Fee
    Internal Revenue Stamps
    Recording Fee— Deeds
    Recording Fee— Mortgages
    Recording Fee— Trust Deeds
    Recording Fee—-Miscellaneous
    Reconveyance or Satisfaction
    Agent’s Commission to
    Taxes— County and State
    Taxes— City of
    Taxes— Delinquent
    Street Improvement Liens
    Pro-rata of Insurance Premium
    u tt it a
    Interest Adjustments
    u ti
    Endorsement Fees on Fire Policies
    D E B IT S
    2 4.
    Check Herewith— Check Tiza Stewart
    Balance Due Pioneer Title Insurance and Trust Company
    C R E D IT S
    2500 DO
    Las Vegas, Nevada February 25 193.
    P i o n e e r T i t l e I n s u r a n c e a n d T r u s t C o m p a n y
    T H IS S T A T E M E N T C O V E R S M O N E Y S E T T L E M E N T T H R O U G H E S C R O W O N L Y . A N Y R E C O R D E D D O C U M E N T S T O W H IC H Y O U A R E E N T IT L E D
    r p Agreement for Sale of Real €$tate
    ^tttxatVity made this 1st day of September, ,1953
    IBettoeen Eliza J. Anderson, formerly Eliza Rucker, and R. A. And'
    ersonj her husband, of the City of las Vggas, County of
    Clark, State of Nevada, hereinafter designated as the Seller
    8ttD lyle C. Rumble, a single man, of County of
    State of hereinafter designated as the Buyer
    ft(l?tttt£00£tf) 1 That the said Seller, in consideration of the covenants and agreements
    hereinafter contained and made by and on the part of the said Buyer
    agrees to sell and convey unto the said Buyer, and said Buyer agrees to buy all
    th at certain lot , piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in
    County of Clark State of
    and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit:
    Beginning at a point in the East line, of the SWf of the
    20 S.
    of Sec 27, Twp.
    of Rge 61
    east corner of said
    K.D.B & If., which point is 314 feet North of the South
    thence West parallel with <3 rtf 2 _s. • the South line of
    -J4 •
    said SWf 1111 283.53 feet more or less to a point in the East line of the
    right of way of the State Highway; • thenoe jf 28° 13* East with the East line
    of said State Highway right of way, 489.66 feet more or less to the 5W
    corner of that'certain tract conveyed by Eliza J. Anderson and husband to
    Fred S . Alward, by deed recorded in Book 18, of Deeds, page 511, in the
    office of the County Recorder of Clark County, Nevada, thence South 62° 15*
    East with the South line of said Alward Tract 26.4 feet more or less to
    the East line of taid SWf NEf: thence S 471.8 feet more or less to the
    point of beginning.
    as follows, to-wit: Two hundred and no/100 ($200 ,DG) --------- Dollars,
    upon the execution and delivery of this agreement, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
    and the further sum of One hundred fifty &no/l00 Dollars,
    on the 20th day of September, 19 33, and Three hundred and fifty
    ($350.00} Dollars on or before December 6, 1933,
    with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum payable monthly
    from date. Taxes for the 1933 year to be paid by Buyer.
    Buyer agrees to pay all assessments levied subsequent to date hereof.
    3ft 10 (KnDer0tOOD attd SlgtWCO, that time is of the essence of this contract, and should
    the Buyer fa il to comply with the terms hereof, then the Seller shall be released
    from all obligations in law and equity, to convey said property, and the Buyer
    shall forfeit all right thereto and to all moneys theretofore paid under this contract,
    but the Seller, on receiving the fu ll payments at the tim,es arid in the
    manner above mentioned, agrees to deliver a certificate of title showing the title
    to be vested in Seller,
    and to execute and deliver to the Buyer or his assigns, a good and
    sufficient deed of grant, Bargain and Sale.
    3ftt C(3ttne00 (KHfjeteof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the
    day and year first above written.
    Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
    A G R E E M E N T F o r s a l e o f R . E ____ W o l c o t t s r e a l E s t a t e B l a n k 4 0 0 .
    Agreement for Sale Estate
    Cfiis agreement, made this
    'Between Eliza J. Andeii
    arson: her husband.
    day of September, ,1963
    Sliza Rucker, and R, A. And
    f Las V§gas, County of
    hereinafter designated as the Seller
    Countu of
    State of
    State of
    a£~per~ map -of- said -now -am record- in Book at.
    ■Bage— County,
    for the sum of Seven hundred and no/lGO (#700.00) — --------- Dollars,
    in gold coin of the United States; and the Buyer, in consideration of the premises,
    agrees to buy and to pay to the Seller, the said sum of Seven hundred and
    no/100 (#700.00)-------_________------ ---------- -------- Dollars,
    as follows, to-wit: Two hundred and no/lOO ($200.00)--------- Dollars,
    upon the execution and delivery of this agreement, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
    and the further sum of One hundred fifty &no/l00 Dollars,
    on the 20th day of September, 19 33, and Three hundred and fifty 1 3 5 0 . 0 0 ) Dollars on or before December 6. 1933.
    with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum payable monthly
    from date. Taxes for the 1933 year to be paid by Buyer.
    Buyer ' agrees to pay all assessments levied subsequent to date hereof.
    3lt 10 (UtttTOtOOO anD agtrro, that time is of the essence of this contract, and should
    the Buyer fa il to comply with the terms hereof, then the Seller shall be released
    from all obligations in law and equity, to convey said property, and the Buyer
    shall forfeit all right thereto and to all moneys theretofore paid under this contract,
    but the Seller, on receiving the f u ll payments at the tim,es and, in the
    manner above mentioned, agrees to deliver a certificate of title showing the title
    to be vested in Seller,
    and to execute and deliver to the Buyer or his assigns, a good and
    sufficient deed of grant, Bargain and Sale.
    3fn 22Jftne00 CQfjereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the
    day and year first above written.
    Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
    P A Y M E N T S
    Amt. On Int. On Prin. Bal. By
    $ $........ 9 9
    $...... $........ 9 9
    $...... 9 9 9 - - - - -
    $...... .... $.......... .... $......... 9
    $ .... $......... 9 . . . . . $ ______
    v ...... .... $......... 9 $
    T$...... .... $........ 9 .$ _____
    v$...... . $........ 9 <p _____
    $▼-...... .... $........ 9 ..... $...............
    $........ 9 $ _____
    $ .... $......... . y ...... :$ 9
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    H 3 o .
    A g r e e m e n t
    Sale of Real €state
    D ATED ..

    Las ?JgaS| Nevada
    December 6, 1939
    I #
    Mr. Leo McNamee ;
    Attorney fqr U.P.R.R. Co*
    Las Vegas, Nevada * d* IdMr HP
    Lear Sirs SP . • , ; • • • _
    ! This letter is in.nsfer
    pertaining to ihe> Stewart* < f|?u:f,a
    We have witnesses that
    thirty-six fruit trees still in
    forty-one planted. Now, we have
    these are in vdry bad shape. We
    States Department of Agriculture
    is that lack of water during the
    them to dry out} that when fall
    and still warm weather, there is
    the trees, and making It very ea
    that may be around.
    U m
    egce4t$ our many conversations
    c^re, iater dispute and damage*
    vf It* *
    five years ago, there were
    the orchard out of a total of l
    only four trees standing, and
    have had a man from the United
    pass on them, and his report
    six months of summer has caused
    comes, due to plenty, of water
    caused a false growth, choking
    sy for them to take any disease
    He also stated that the bermuda grass in the pasture
    would stay dorment during the dry season, but that the foxtails
    would still seed and grow. f As you know, bermuda grass Is good
    pasture nine months of the year, and foxtails are 'only good
    for about six weeks before they head, then they are dangerous
    to horses and cattle.
    There were also lots of roses that were completely
    destroyed. j
    g m The average value of fruit trees in California is
    $100.00 par#tree} .seven months*^loss of pasture would be figured
    Oli .-A basis Of approximately $25$#30 ’per year^ and our bermuda
    pasture is ruined. ;. * f fy" * - cr>,.,■ , -L., !T T .
    We demand a settlement on this, and also something
    definite about the water question.
    fours very truly,