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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Wharfage charge on water furnished vessels, E.San Pedro Los Angeles, JUL 30 Mr. Pennel Cherrington, General Attorney. Lear S i r :- Ordinance 327826 effective July 1,1913, item 36 seotion 1, c a lls for wharfage charge of 5/ per 1000 gallons of water delivered to vessels. W ill you please advise whether-this should he construed to mean water delivered to vessels for their own use for which we make charge against them at regular schedule rates, or does this provision only apply in the oa&#-^Tf^water delivered to vessels for transportation? Also please advise whether wharfage at regular rates should ft R A ^ he charged on commissary supplies for .use of vessels, and whether it is obligatory that we charge wharfage of 1 <f. per barrel on o il fu r­nished to vessels for fu el purposes. I enclose copy of the ordinance reiffeerrrred to. ( 2 Auditor