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Form 5527-B U N I O N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D C O M P A N Y 1-49-1 MM S AV EmE L E G R A P H I N G M A ILG R AM S A V E T E L E G R A P H I N G LAS VEGAS LAUD AND WATER COMPANY Omaha - December 30, 1949 My, A, M. Folger - Lae Vegas, Nevi (CC - Mr* Wm,. Reinhardt W&Angeles, Calif.) In preparing annual reports to Nevada Tax Commission and Public 3ervlce Commission of Nevada, It has been the practice for many years to include in expenses of the operation of the utility, 76$ of *Genoral Expenses*. It appears that expenses incurred during this past summer amounting to $834*60, in connection with water conservation program and charged to Account 42, *0ffi©e Supplies and Expenses* should be applicable 100$ to water service. There may also be many other items of expense charged to the same account which should also be allocated 100$ to water service* penses of Leonard E, Gardner, Checker, should now be classified 100$ as water service, and whether some proportion of expenses charged to Account 21-2, * Operation of Rooming Souse* should be allocated to expense of water service; also whether in your opinion an entry should be set up in the accounts by this office covering use of portion of rooming house building for water company office* ft is suggested that a new operating expense account be opened on the books of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company titled, *0ther Expenses* in which to record expenses which are 100$ applicable to water service operation and report sneh expense under the general caption •‘Water Service* on Form 7, •Operating Revenues, Operating Expenses, Income and Profit and Loss*. whether 76$ is at present an equitable basis of apportionment to water service for all other "General Expense* items. ing these matters and any suggestions or recommendations you may wish to make will be appreciated. 3-776. Questions also arise as to whether the wages and ex- Consideration should also be given to determining Will you please favor me with your comments coneern- W. W. J. JAN 8 1950 JAM . 3 1350