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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 20, 1979






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with additional information about the activities board meeting and the organization meeting.

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uac000216. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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AGENDA SENATE MEETING 1138 March 20, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes It37 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Committee Reports A. Elections Board B. Organizations Board C. Entertainment and Programming Board D. Appropriations Board E. Publications Board F. Radio Board G. Bylaws Committee VII. Old Business A. Vacant Senate Seats 1. College of Education (vote) a. Sandra Williams b. Moniquo Woodard 2. College of Education (nomination) B. Dr. Johns's Statements (The outraged Senator Wild, Ah) C. Dismissal of Annotated Yell Editor Mike Navarro (Senator Matvai/, SM) VIII. New Business A. Revision of Operating Procedures (Senator Haldeman, UC) IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING 1138 March 27, 1979 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order The thirty-eighth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:04 p.m. in Lounge 201 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members J.n Attendance Shellee Willden (excused late) Phillip Jackson L.ise Wyman Kirk Voelcker Lorraine Alderman Joyce Bridges "Skip" Kelley Jeff Wild Nick Santoro Danny Campbell Cindy Vannucci. (excused late) Dave Craddock Absent Peggy Racel (excused) DeAnn Turpen (unexcused) Scott Greene (unexcused) Lisa Wolfbrandt (excused) III. Approval of Minutes 1137 Jeff Wild moved to suspend the rules for Item Item VII, C to become the next item of business, and was seconded by President White. A division of the house took place, and the motion passed with 11 in favor, three opposed, and three abstentions. The reason for this suspension was to allow a presentation from someone from the Education Department. VII. Old Business C. Dismissal of Annotated Yell Editor Mike Navarro (Senator Matvay, SM) Senate Matvay yielded the floor to President White. President White moved that the Senate give Mike Navarro a vote of confidence, and was seconded by Jeff Wild. President White then yielded the floor to Mike Navarro. Mike Navarro informed the Senate that they have taken steps already to improve the Yell. The first 14 pages is campus events and sports, and the back 6 pages are for the Wormword Section and so on. The name of the paper has been changed back to the Yell. He further informed the Senate that they took the petitions as seriously as the Senate did. He went on to inform the Senate that the situation of the Yell has not been not wanting to cover the news at all, but they have been having problems with staffing. Bill Haldeman (excused late) Pam Roberts (excused late) Marie Ropell Byron B.lasco Carol Tarpley (excused late) Nina Ross Joe Matvay David Martinez Scott Gonzalez Cindy S.imia Minutes - Senate Meeting It 38 March 27, 1979 Page 2 (Shellee Willden, Pam Roberts and Carol Tarpley arrived at 4:16 p.m. - excused.J Michelle Como from the Education Department, who teaches Oral Communication, addressed the Senate and informed them that her class conducted a survey on how the students compared the quality of the new Annotated Yel.l with that of the past. She further informed the Senate of the results of that survey. Discussion took place, and Jeff Wild called for the question, was seconded by Lorraine Alderman, and the motion passed with two opposed and one abstention. A vote was then taken on the main motion for a vote of confidence for Mike Navarro which passed with one opposed and three abstentions. SenatorMatvay informed the Senate that he abstained because he doesn't feel he has seen the changes, so he could couldn't vote in favor for a vote of confidence for him. At this time the Senate moved back to the regular order of the Agenda. III. Approval of Minutes 1137 Kirk Voelcker informed the Senate that the Minutes approved at the last Meeting were for Senate Meeting 1136 instead of 1137. He further corrected the Minutes by informing the Senate that there was a S.E.F. Committee report of which there were two announcements: the first was that .Jeff Wild was appointed Vice Chairman of the Committee, and the second was that Cindy Simia was a new member of the Committee. The Minutes of this report were approved. He also corrected the time of adjournment of Senate Meeting 1138 from 9:52 p.m. to 8:52 p.m. There were no further corrections or comments on the Minutes of Senate Meeting 1137, so, they, therefore, stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Acedemic Standards Committee The Senate President informed the Senate that he is going to need a volunteer to fill in one the Athletic Standards Committee as a proxy. The Meeting is April 4, 1979 from 10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. If anyone is interested, please contact him after the Meeting. Union_Board Committee The Senate President announced that the Union Board Committee was formed and consisted of three of us and two alternates, and they met with the Union Board a few times. The original draft by Burt Teh was revised and sent back. They accepted everything except for one clause and that was the operative clause that would have changed it from an advisory body to a supervisory body with control of the building. A vote was taken with a 4 - 1 - 1 turn out in favor of the Union's side of it. The draft has been forwarded to the Board of Regents and will be brought up at the May Meeting. It has been agreed by the Committee that they will send to the Board of Regents a copy of the alternative proposal made by them. President White informed the Senate that he would appreciate it if the Senate would bring this item up for discussion in Open Discussion. Student Union Task Force President White announced that this Committee will be dealing with how we are going to sell the Student Union back to the state and what would happen Minutes - Senate Meeting It 38 March 27, 1979 Page 2 to this building and what the new one would be like. There will be recommendations for the Committee to Dr. Dixon. There are three priorities of what the building can become. It might be turned into an Administrative Building which would be the most expensive. The two other alternatives are to turn the building into either a law school or an architectural school. His vote went on record as favoring a law school first. The Architectural Society has offered to put up a building which would house 125 people for a school. (Bill Ilaldeman arrived at 4:39 p.m. - excused.) Financial Report John Hunt, gave the monthly Financial Report in which he reported that there is $13,000 left in the General Account, $31,000 is left in the Radio Account, $955 after $1,280 of expenditures is left in Matching Funds, $12,000 left in Activities, $8,000 left in Day Care, $2,400 left in the Yell, $148 left in the Epilogue, and $3,000 left in the Social Account. John Hunt further informed the Senate that $1,281.17 was transferred from Contingency into the 900. 901, and 903 accounts. This was done through the tacit approval of the Appropriations Board. Organizationjs Board Meeting Tim Uerlosky announced that the next Organizations Board Meeting will he April 5 at 3:00 p.m. V. Executive Board Nominations There was one Executive Board Nomination and that was Robin Hunt to be the eighth member of the Elections Board. The Executive Board also nominated Pam Roberts as Chairman to the Elections Board. The Executive Board also nominated two CSUN members to the Publications Board which arc Scott Gonzalez and Elaine Cody. VI. Committee Reports A. Elections Board Pam Roberts read the Minutes from the last two Meetings. The first Meeting was held on March 22. (Dave Craddock arrived at 5:02 p.m. - excused.) Jeff Wild moved to approve the Minutes as submitted by the Elections Board, and seconded by Phillip Jackson. Discussion on the Minutes took place, and Danny Campbell moved to amend the motion so that should the Judicial Board not meet by Friday, Robert Nielsen's name would be retained on the ballot and then crossed off should the Judicial Council rule against him, and was seconded. Discussion took place and Danny Campbell withdrew his amendment and amended the motion again to delete the part of the Minutes that says Robert Nielsen may not be able to run. The Chair then moved to the technicalities of the second which means the Senate will go to the next person in line to speak and they either second the motion or they don't second it. David Martinez was the next Senator in line to speak and he seconded the motion. Discussion took place on the approval of the Minutes and the amendment to overturn the decision of the Elections Board to allow Robert Nielsen to run. Minutes - Senate Meeting It 38 March 27, 1979 Page 2 (Cindy Vannucci arrived at 5:26 p.m. - excused.) Carol Tarpley informed the Senate that she feels that Robert Nielsen's name should he placed on the ballot, but she also informed them that the Elections Board was not being partial in their decision. They investigated the matter thoroughly and they are not making a blind decision. President White informed the Senate that any exposure for an office is an advertisement and it is a name link with the CSllN offices, however, the Senate may be stepping in over their boundaries and he feels this should be brought to the Judicial Council. Much more discussion took place and Danny Campbell called for the question, requested a Roll Call Vote, and was seconded. Pam Roberts then requested a Point of Privilege and informed the Senate that the Elections Board will take this matter to the Judicial Council any way. A vote was then taken on the call for the question which passed unanimously. A vote was then taken on the amendment to the main motion for approval of the Minutes so that the action to take Robert Nielsen's name off the ballot is reversed and left on the ballot as a candidate for the upcoming election. Shellee Wi ll den No Joyce Bridges Yes Scott Greene Phillip Jackson No Bill Haldeman No Lisa Wolfbrandt Peggy Racel Pam Roberts No "Skip" Kelley No Wyman abs. Marie Rope11 Yes Jeff Wild No Kirk Voelcker abs. Byron Blasco No Nick Santoro No DcAnn Turpen Carol Tarpley No Danny Campbell Yes Lorraine Alderman No Nina Ross No Cindy Vannucci. abs. Dave Craddock Yes Joe Matvay pass David Martinez Yes Scott Gonzalez Yes Cindy Simla abs. Joe Matvay Yes The amendment failed with 11 opposed, 7 in favor, and four abstentions. Discussion took place and Lorraine Alderman called for the question, was seconded, and passed unanimously. A vote was then taken on the approval of both Minutes of the last two Elections Board Meetings. A division of the house took place and the motion passed with 15 in favor, 6 opposed, and one abstention. B. Organizations Board Tim Herlosly read the Minutes of the last Organizations Board Meeting. Discussion took place and Joe Matvay moved to accept the Organizations Board Minutes with the exception that the Chamber Singer's request for funds be approved, and was seconded. President White informed the Senate that this is the first group to go through the whole system by going back to the Organizations Board and becoming recognized and then they didn't get the money. He further informed the Senate that the Appropriations Board will be getting together and arranging for more money to go into this account (Matching Funds). Nick Santoro then moved that the Hotel Association receive only $250, and was seconded. Discussion took place and Joe Matvay moved to amend the amendment so that the Senate strike the $500 Matching Minutes - March 27, Senate Meeting H38 1979 Page 5 Funds request For the Hotel Association, and was seconded. Jeff Wild called for the question, and was seconded by Kirk Voelcker. A division of the house took place, and the call for the question passed with 14 in favor. A vote was then taken on the amendment to the amendment to give no money to the Hotel Association. John Hunt requested that a Roll Call vote he taken. Shellee Wi.ll.den Yes Joyce Bridges No Scott Greene Phillip Jackson Yes Bill Haldeman abs. Lisa Wolfbrandt Peggy Racel Pam Roberts Yes "Skip" Kelley Yes L.ise Wyman yes Marie Rope11 Yes Jeff Wild Yes Kirk Voelcker Yes Byron Blasco Yes Nick Santoro Yes DeAnn Turpen parol. Tarpley No Danny Campbell No Lorraine Alderman No Nina Ross No Cindy Vannucci No Dave Craddock Yes Joe Matvay Yes David Martinez abs. Scott Gonzalez No Cindy S i. mi a Yes The amendment to the amendment passed with 13 in favor, 7 opposed, and two abstentions. More discussion took place, and Kirk Voelcker called for the question. (Phillip Jackson left at 6:16 p.m. and arrived again at 6:17 p.m. - excused.) A vote was then taken on the call for the question which failed with 11 in favor. Kirk Voelcker then yielded the floor to Joyce Bridges who explained her reasons for wanting the money for both groups. She then moved to amend the motion to take the $500 and give Hotel $250 and the Chamber Singers $250, and was seconded. Dave Craddock objected to the consideration of the amendment, and was seconded by Joe Matvay. The objection to the consideration of the amendment failed. More discussion took place, and the Chair ruled the amendment made by Senator Bridges out of order. Senator Bridges then appealed the decision of the Chair, and was seconded. John Hunt informed the Senate that he thinks that the Organizations Board went over this very thoroughly and the Senate going in and messes with the other peoples work when it is completed. Nina Ross then informed the Senate that she doesn't think that the Senate is medling because that is what we are here for. Danny Campbell then called for the question, was seconded, and passed unanimously. (Bill Haldeman left at 6:30 p.m. - excused.) A vote was then taken on the appeal to the Chair which failed. The Senate now moved back into discussion on the main motion with approval of the motion to approve the Minutes as amended. Jeff Wild called for the question, and was seconded. A division of the house took place, and the motion failed with 12 in favor. More discussion took place, and Byron Blasco ailed for the question, and was seconded. He also requested a roll call vote when voting on the main motion as amended. The call for the question passed with Minutes - Senate Meeting It 38 March 27, 1979 Page 2 three opposed. A Roll Call Vote was then taken on the main motion as amended which was to approve the Organizations Board Minutes with the approval of a $500 Matching Funds request for the Chamber Singers and the disapproval of the Hotel Associations Matching Funds request. Shellee Wi.llden Phi 11ip Jackson Peggy Racel Lise Wyman Kirk Voelcker DeAnn Turpen Lorraine Alderman Yes Joyce Bridges No Scott Greene Yes Bill Haldeman Lisa Wolfbrandt Pam Roberts Yes "Skip" Kelley Yes Marie Ropell No Jeff Wild Yes Byron Blasco Yes Nick Santoro Carol Tarploy No Danny Campbell Yes Nina Ross Yes Cindy Vannucci H Yes Yes Yes No No Dave Craddock Joe Matvay Yes Yes No No Yes David Martinez Scott Gonzalez Cindy Si mi a The motion passed with 14 in favor, 7 opposed, and no abstentions. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Tim Ilerlosky read the Minutes of the last Entertainment and Programming Board Meeting, and there were no corrections or comments, therefore, the Minutes and all actions taken stood approved. Tim announced that this Saturday Theatre Exposed will be doing "Feel the Benefit", liquor will be served, and five to six hundred advanced tickets are being sold. April 17 and 18 there will be a blood drive and prizes will be offered for the organization who donates the most amount of blood. The Salute to the Starts, which was held on March 23, went over well. Mardi Gras sign ups are still on. The next Entertainment and Programming Board Meeting will be April 4 at 2:30 p.m. D. Appropriations Board John Hunt reported that the Appropriations Board gave tacit approval of the item that they handed out spreading out the money to the 900, 901, and 903 accounts. There were no comments or corrections to the Minutes, so, they, therefore, stood approved. E. Publications Board John Hunt announced that this Board will be forming in the near future. F. Radio Board Jeff Wild read the Minutes for the March 14 Meeting, and "Skip" Kelley read the Minutes for the March 25 Meeting. Byron Blasco moved to approve both Minutes, and was seconded by Carol Tarpley. The motion passed with one abstention. G. Bylaws Committee Lorraine Alderman announced that due to a lack of quorum there was no Meeting. She further announced that the next Meeting will be next Tuesday, April 3, 1979. Minutes - Senate Meeting It 38 March 27, 1979 Page 2 VII. Old Business A. Vacant Senate Seats 1. College of Education (vote) a. Sandra Williams b. Monique Woodard The Senate President announced that Monique Woodard withdrew her nomination. Kirk Voelcker moved to approve Sandra Williams for the Senate seat for the College of Education, and was seconded. Byron Blasco questioned as to whether or not she was a member of a social organization, and he was informed that she was a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.Motion passed with one 2. College of Education (nomination) opposed and five abstentions. There were no information sheets received at this time. Everyone should try to find a candidate for the seat. B. Dr. Johns's Statements (The Outraged Senator Wild, AL) Jeff Wild moved to approve the resolution, and was seconded. Kirk Voelcker moved for a definite table until the next week because of legal complications, and was seconded by Joe Matvay. "Skip" Kelley objected to the consideration of the motion, and was seconded. A vote was then taken on the objection which passed with three opposed. A vote was then taken on the approval of the resolution which passed with one opposed and two abstentions. C. Dismissal of Annotated Yel1 Editor Mike Navarro (Senator Matvay, SM) This item of business has already been taken care of. VIII. New Business A. Revision of Operating Procedures (Senator Haldeman, UC) Senator Haldeman left before this time. IX. Open Discussion None. X. Adjournment Byron Blasco moved to adjourn, and was seconded. The thirty-eighth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate adjourned at 7:04 p.m. with the passing of the motion to adjourn with one opposed and one abstention. Respectfully submitted by: Respectfully prepared by: Rene Bernier Senate Secretary Marshal S. Willick Senate President MINUTES ACTIVITIES BOARD MEETING Wednesday, March 21, 1CJ79 2:30 p.m. - Room 120 Moyer Student Union Building II. Call_ to_ Order The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Timothy W. Herlosky, at 2:33 p.m. Roll Call Present: Timothy W. Herlosky Bill Botos Dave Gist Gene Russo Lise Wyman Lori Somers Jennifer Houston Absent: Lorraine Alderman Scott Gonzaliz excused Guests: Tom Torrence and Gary O'Connell of Muscular Dystrophy Ass'n Craig Lasso and Bob Compan of Alpha Tau Omega Anita Ross of Alpha Delta Pi Raul Medrano from Texas III. Approval of Minutes A motion was made to approve the March 7, ]97Q, minutes, was seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. IV. MARDI_ _CRA S Budget was discussed (see attached). Dave Gist presented a budget estimate - based on quotes from various vendors - including miscellaneous, emergencies, and slight overhead. Tim Herlosky indicated be would ask for a $10,000.00 budget ceiling on the Senate floor. Dave Gist indicated Mardi Gras was shaping up well and the posters looked good. Waiting on prices at which food would be sold before making up further posters. Muscle Man contest had originally been planned with $50, $25, and $15 cash prizes, but when it was realized that cash prizes would jeapordize the amataur standing of certain contestants, it was decided to award trophies and gift certificates to Nautilus instead. Street Scene was discussed. Bill Botos indicated that the flats used in construction of the street scene could be used next year and following years for various purposes, and this could be used in argument before the Senate. Craig indicated he knew a guy who would paint the flats for a case of beer. A letterer was still needed — a suggestion was made to ask Jerry Ortega for a recommendation. Dave Gist indicated that white mini-Xmas tree blinking lights were wanted for decorating the trees, and askecl everyone to make a concerted effort to find or borrow from friends and acquaintances. Activities Board Meeting Wednesday, March 21, 1979 I'age 2 (Mardi Gras - Cont.) Bil.1 Botos questioned price and expense of streamers. $200.00 was needed for streamers for the Octoberfest, and only $100.00 had been bud-geted for the Mardi Gras streamers — would this buy enough streamers? Consensus: locate all unused leftover streamers from past events, and spend whatever necessary to purchase the balance of streamers for Mardi Gras decorating. Bill Botos indicated the contract with the Dixieland Jazz Band was scheduled to be finalized the following Thursday afternoon. The Chair introduced Raul Medrano from Texas. Medrano proposed a new event to take place during Mardi Gras, suc.h as they do in Texas — a hard rock "Air Guitar" contest — groups mimic to Rock records over the P.A. system. Bill Botos said sounded like a good idea, but not a New Orleans theme and more appropriate for something like the "Salute to the Stars" or a noon-time event. Consensus: air guitar contest better suited to Octoberfest or Homecoming or noontime event. KULV would probably co-op to promote. Raul Medrano left his phone number (878-8359) for future reference. V. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Dave Gist asked the MDA representative how chairmen get donations. MDA suggested that large, local organizations were more willing to parti-cipate than national firms or small, local people. MDA also indicated that their experience showed that women were more succcssful soliciting donations and participation than were men. MDA also suggested a special "thank you" flyer to be placed at vendor's place of business to advertise their donation and ensure that they would not be "touched" twice. Flyer could also be used as a letter of introduction. Dave Gist brought up the subject of prizes. MDA suggested that casinos might present comps for dinners and shows. Need a "medium nice" first place prize. Suggested that ads be traded in the Yell for prizes donated. Letter of introduction could solicit prizes, promise ad in Yell , and describe event and dates. It was decided that the Marathon would begin at 8:00 p.m. and extend until 8:00 p.m. the following evening. MDA suggested that breaks and meals be set up and arranged. 7-Up would provide all drinks in exchange for publicity. Grocery stores might also donate. Don McC.omb at 7-11 was suggested as a good contact for donations. Donut shops were also a possibility. MDA indicated that a registered nurse should he on duty at all times with ice packs, aspirins, band-aids, etc. Bill Botos remarked that a good logo for MDA was needed. Activities Board Meeting Wednesday, March 21, 1979 Page 3 A letter is to be sent to Paul Steen at the Hotel Office indicating that he is needed. Posters were discussed. Lori Somers was given responsibility for work-ing up posters for recruitment of dance contestants and general dance announce-ments. Women would be recruited to solicit prizes and donations. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nlace prizes would be worked up by next week. The solicitation letter would be produced by tomorrow. The next meeting with MDA would occur Thursday, March 30, at 1:30 p.m. Public Service Announcements would be released to radio and TV stations in the area. The need for a gimmick to attact spectators to both the open and close of the contest was discussed. Air Guitar contest and/or Wet T-Shirt contest were proposed. Concurrent dance was proposed. Dance lessons were proposed. Beer drinking and door prizes were proposed. A prize desirable to spectators was proposed. Priorities indicated: prizes and pledge sheets for contestants. D-Day the 27th, and publicity campaign to begin April 1. It was suggested that Community College be contacted to see if they would be interested in becoming involved. VI. THEATRE EXPOSED Event to occur Saturday March 31 at 8:00 p.m. A liquor license is re-quired; Dave Cist indicated 500 people had already purchased tickets and tha in the last 10 days 200 more would be given away. V 1 1 • SALUTE TO THE STARS Event to occur March 23 from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Five singers (Gdel.1 llobbs and others) would perform, along with a magician. Two people were appointed to distribute flyers to cars on campus — Craig and Bill Botos. lighting for the event needed to be checked out and confirmed. (MDA - Cent.) Music programming was discussed. Live and D.J. rock. Need taped music. Go for donations. George Luster might do the D.J. part for free. MDA sug-gested that a radio station such as KENO night want to become involved. contacts were appointed: Paul Steen - Hotel Office 8a.1.1y Sweet - Information Office Scott llanlon Nina Ross - Senate (send agenda) Activities Board Meeting Wednesday, March 21, 1.979 T11. OPEN DISCUSSION Timothy Herlosky introduced the nevsr Activities secretary: Judy Moore. April Blood Drive was discussed. More people needed — only 80-90 con-tributed last year. Suggested that prizes be given to organizations who provided the most donors — beer was suggested but not confirmed. The 50's Theme Dance was discussed. Was to be co-sponsored dance April 6 — the day before spring break. Fell, through — Hotel Association backed out and the dance group backed out. (General comments were made that better co-sponsor commitments were needed, and either short-range calendars or more firm commitments on events.) New need for special theme night was discussed for April 6. Middle of year end budget squeeze. Old Film Festi-val suggested. Bill Botos suggested set cost ceiling and then decide on what was wanted. Move for $1.75.00 budget ceiling on special theme night April 6, seconded, discussed, and passed unanimously. Gene Russo to check on films. Awards Banquet was mentioned. Timothy Herlosky to handle arrangements. Self-Defense Day was discussed. Bill Botos indicated that two studios would be involved, and that they did not wish to appear together. One was therefore scheduled for April 25 and the other to hold their demonstration May 2. Activity Board agreed to this arrangement. IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made to adjourn, was seconded, and passed unanimously. m ] m Judy Moore Activities Secretary Respectfully submitted, MTNUTF.S ORGANIZATION MEETTNG Thursday, March 22, 1979 3:00 p.m. Room 20.1 Moyer Student Union Building I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Timothy W. Ilerlosky, at 3:12 p.m. II. Roll Call Present: Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Kappa Psi A'J pha Tau Omega Black Student Alliance Cheerleaders Christian Campus Fellowship Society of Physics Delta Sigma Theta Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. Delta Zeta Eckankar Foreign Students Ass'n Hotel Association Phi Alpha Theta UNLV Ghamber Singers Not Present: Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa Alpha Psi Kappa Sigma LDSSA Metamorphosis III. Approval of Minutes Inter Greek Council La Ra z a Pre-Law Association Resident Students Sigma Chi Sigma Nu Ski Club Social Workers Ass'n Student Council for Exceptional Children Young Republicans Panhellenic Art Club Young Entrepreneurs Nurse's Association P re-Profess ional UNLV Finance Ass'n Warball Club Sigma Gamma Eps.ilon IV. Motion was put forth to accept the minutes of March S, was seconded, and in the absence of discussion, was passed with one abstention. Matching Funds Chairman made general, comments regarding Matching Funds Requests. In filling out the forms, it was suggested the the organization's president's name and information be printed in addition to the signature on the. form. Matching Fund Requests submitted after the fact was discussed. It was necessary to get requests in before the event was to take place. Chair also indicated that only $2235.00 remained in the. Matching Funds Account and this should be taken into account in awarding funds. Organizatioris Meeting Thursday, March 22, 1979 Page 2 (Matching Funds - Cont.) Chair introduced John Purvis, CSUN Business Manager, who gave the following information regarding the budget. The Matching Funds.budget had been cut from $7,200 to $4,200 by the Appropriations Board, due to limited requests for Matching Funds. This was not the only cut — the Senate had cut the over-all CSUN budget in all areas. The Appropriations Board had been asked to reconsider their decision, but would not meet on the issue again until May 1. John Purvis asked how many organizations stil.J intended to submit Matching Funds Requests by May 1. Three repre-sentatives raised their hands. The Chair then announced that four requests for matching funds were being submitted and would be discussed for approval at this meeting: 1. UNLV Chamber Singers for $500.00 2. Hotel Association for $500.00 3. Alpha Tau Omega for $500.00 4. UNLV Art Club for $2SO.00 Chair commented that only $450 would be left in the Matching Funds account if all the above were passed at face value. The Chair asked each organization to outline their request. 1. UNLV Chamber Singers for $500.00 - Not Approved Chamber Singers sponsor an annual bus tour of Nevada to attend several concerts around the state. The tour is open to all students and is consid-ered good recruitment for the UNLV Music Department and UNLV in general. Chamber Singers have obtained grants and have put on performances all year raising the additional money for this tour — have raised $2,600 as of now and request $500 to cover the balance needed. Mike Fercheck expressed concern with the precedent of funding such a trip; limited opportunity and limited interest. Dennis requested and re-ceived clarification of the budget breakdown. Dale suggested that only $400 be awarded so there was not chance of over-pay. The suggestion was not followed up and a vote was called on the original motion of awarding UNLV Chamber Singers $500.00. (9) voted in favor, (12) were opposed, and (5) abstained. The motion failed and the money was not awarded. 2. UNLV Hotel Association for $500.00 - Approved Hotel Association is sponsoring 3 days of sessions at a strip hotel featuring speakers and luncheons. Subject included were careers in sales, food service, and management. Open to all students. 100 guests attended the last series and this is considered by the Hotel Association to demon-strate the professionalism of the school and publicize UNLV in general. Organizations Meet ing Thursday, March 22, 1979 Pace 3 (Matching Funds - Cont.) (UNLV Hotel Association - Cont.) Concern was expressed about the luncheons — was the fund subsidizing people's lunches — particularly hotel meals at twice their value? H.A. rep responded that meeting rooms and lecture ha]Is would not be rented by the hotel unless the party used their meal facilities. Guests were paying $4.00 toward their meals. Overall costs included accommodations for guest speakers. The advertising amount was questioned and the H.A. rep indicated that ads would be placed in the YELT. at $40 each. Dennis moved to deny the award due to the limited campus interest in such an event. Danny responded that ads placed in the YELL would reach all students at UNLV and that many more than Business or Hotel students would be interested in such a series. Dale seconded Dennis's motion to deny because Cahmber Singers had been denied due to its limited interest, and this event was also limited interest, and there was only $2200 left in the account. Cindi of H.A. protested that interest would not be limited — event was open to all. Danny moved to remove the motion to deny. Dale OK'd the removal. Dennis moved to award $250 instead of the $500. Dale moved to amend the motion to award $100 only, and Rebecca seconded. Danny objected to the above amendments to the original motion and was seconded. A vote was called, on the objection. (16) in favor, (5) opposed, and (1) abstained. The objection was carried. Danny moved to amend bac