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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - November 13, V 23—1—B Hr. v. U. Jeffers: Supplementing my letter November 10th regarding discussion of the water situation here November 3rd. I enclose letter from the Secretary of Chamber of Gommeroe received this morning expressing their appreciation of the dlsousslon and Information of mutual benefit. Since this hearing and the facts brought out ooaoemlng quality and low oost of our present supply, the consensus of opinion of prominent oltl-xen8 and Individual members of the Chamber seems to be that it would be very desirable to retain the present underground Channel for domestic supply In the olty and If at some future time it is practi­cable to bring water in from the Lake that It be used exclusively for Industrial and Irrigation uses. However Ur. Case explained this cannot be done at the present beoause the whole supply to Basic Magne­sium Is needed for manufacture of Chlorine and Caustics. WALT Eft ft. BRACKEN