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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    BISQhVEB; That the acts and proceedings of Directors of this Sompaay, as recorded In the ofr ecthoer dsB otahredr eof, daonnde aliln poufr stuhaen caec tosf a nsda iddo iorndgesr osf o ft het heo ffBiocaerrds o off D itrhee ctOoomrpsa nsyi,n ce athned tdhaet e soafm e thaer e lhaesrte bmye,e triantgi foife ds,t oacpkphroolvdeerds a onfd ctohnifsi rcmoemdp}any, he, which resolution, being duly seconded by hr. A, S, Halsted, was put to a vote and unanimously adopted. Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a fall, true and correct copy of minutes of meeting of Stockholders of said Company, held on the 8th day of Kovember, 1338. There being no further business to be transacted, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned, <Sgd) Walter RC.h aiBrrmaacnken Attest; (Sgd) 0. iSfe. crBeltoaormy X, 0. H. Bloom, Secretary, has Vegas hand and Water has Vegas hand add Water Company,