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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    * m lad fegas - September 13, 1950 * 23-3-3 Pi! R* L. Adamson to our telephone oomrereation of sometime ago* in pressure, particularly duping the night hours, pointing in a largo number of leaks which must bo repaired the following morning* this la duo to the faot that the man working in the water produotlon field hate no way of knowing what the pressure* are in town even though the gauges at the booster ptaaps may show normal operation* When there is very little draw-off during the morning hour a, the pressures build up excessively* to enable the operators to stabilise the pressures in the city, 1 recommend we install a remote pressure gauge in the shanty at $1 settling basin* this can be done at a nominal oust as we already have the line in place from the water office to the Glark St* reservoir, which was constructed Seme years ago for the Bristol telemeter* Believe it ie important that we install this gauge at the present time during the difficult period of change-over from summer to winter operations* We are troubled with wide fluotuations Wo correct thlo condition and in order 1* H, Folger W