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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    C O £ i Request for Wages 436-31 March 14* 1945. Mr. Louis J. Meyers, Chief State Factory Inspector, Department of Labor, State of Illinois, 237 No. Wyman S t . , Rockford, 111. Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of March 12th relative to claim for w a g e s filed in your Department by James A. Bowen, who alleges that we are indebted to him in the sum of #198.73, for services rendered: Our reoords show that Mr. Bowen was employed as guard, April 36, 1943 to October 38, 1943 at the Las Vegas Land & Water Company owned building in Vernon District, Los Angeles, wh i c h was leased to General Motors and dam­aged by fire. Our records also show that he was assigned on 13 hour day 7 day week at 6 3 ^ per hour, and that his pay checks for that period have all been paid. So far as we know he was paid in full for all services rendered. Please advise what is basis for his claim. Yours very truly, /sgd/ SCOTT LORD. bcc - Mr. R. Wipprecht Mr. W. R. Bracken - Las Vegas (B-17) Herewith copy of Mr. Meyers' letter of March 13.