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I agree.Roj I I | Docket Ko. 127 Los Angelos, February 4* & f$£ . 4705-11-22 Mr* ¥. H. Hulsizer: {cc * Hr* A. M* Stoddarc Hr. Its.* Reinhardt Hr. W. t, Rouse Mr. Jt* M. Sutton) In the event the Petition for Rehearing which I filed February 1st with the Nevada Public Service Commission is granted, I anticipate an early hearing* At that hearing I believe it will be desirable to produce evidence concerning the Investment cost and the original cost of the facilities of the Railroad Company and of the Water Company similar to the exhibits which were prepared by you with respect to the period ending Decern bar 31, 1950. The exhibits previously prepared by you refer to the work orders under which the work was done. I suggest that you confer with Mr. Sutton’s office to see that there is no discrepancy between the totals for the work orders shown on your exhibit and the totals for the work orders shown on exhibits which I have asked Mr, Sutton to prepare for a re-hearing. 1 will wire you as soon as 1 learn if the Petition for Rehearing has been granted and shall appreciate it if you will be ready to promptly prepare and forward to me at least 15 copies of such statements • g, 1 . Bennett