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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, May 34, lff4 80-11 Mr* W. R. House: (cc - Mr. A* 1, Stoddarc MMrr,, Wm. Reinhardt C. M, Bates WM. R. Mr, Calvin M. Cory MAY 25 1954 Mr. h, R« Maag MMrr.. FLeroa nkA.l iMnc NTa,t nHeae,milton Attorneys for the District) A further check of the revised draft of the Escrow Instructions for the sale of the Las Vegas water system which I sent you with my letter of May 31, 1954, reveals the following typographical errors: Page 3* line 18, change "Paragraph 8* to "Para­graph 7". Page 6, line 9, eliminate the word "of" before the word "Record". Page 7# line 30, insert at the end of line SO the words "sale date". Page 8, line 4, change "subparagraph" to "par­agraph*. Page 13, line 14, change "Paragraph 6" to " Paragraph 5” . Page 13, line 19# change "Sections,!, 2, 4, g and 7 " to "Paragraphs i # g, 3 , 4 and 6", X understand that the Escrow Instructions are satis­factory to the attorneys for the District, It may be nec­essary to add a provision to the Escrow Instructions if the District decides to take over the charges for water service for refrigeration equipment which are unpaid on the sale date. As soon as we have agreed with the Dis­trict on the amount of the Preliminary Purchase Price and the Estimated Purchase Price, I will prepare the Es­crow Instructions in final form and send them forward for execution.