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    (COPY) Los Angeles - January 21, 19S k 36-15 Hev. Mr. L. H. Haag - Las Yagas: (0 0 - MHrr.. C)&.>} . M.R eiCnohrya rd-t Las Yagas) assignmenRtesc eonft Rluyl ye o9u Csoennttr aIcnt t#o bHert.w eReeni nvhaarridotu se xiencdiuvtieddu als. These assignments cover assignments of Buie 9 Contracts* and on their face provide generally that the Assignor assign all its right* title and interest in and to its Rule 9 Contracts to the Assignee. There Is no doubt in ary mind that the pur­proefsuen dosf, thbeuste beafsosrieg namcecnetpst ilan gt ot haesses igans ssioglnemleyn ttsh ea nrdi gehxte ctuot ing tdheefimn iotne b eIhnaflofrm aotfi tohne frWoamte yr oCuo mapsa ntyo* WMhre.t hReeri nahlalr dwto rdke suinrdeesr tihf esree quceosnttreadc tbsy hthaes bteeremns ctohmeprleeotfe,d , hawvhee tbheere na rlle ceeiasveemde*n tWsh*e ther wbei lhlasv eo f acscaelp© teidf tshuec hp ibpielllisn eosf* seanlde wahree threeqru wier ehda vuen dererc etihev ed terms of the respective contracts. The following are the contracts referred to in your various letters to him* and 1 wish you would review the® all and advise «r. Reinhardt* with copy to me, whether all the above conditions have been fulfilled insofar as they are re­quired by the terms of the respective contracts: 1. CYoengtarsa cLta nbde tawnde enW aLteeer CCoomnpsatnryu*c tHiLoDn- 2C6o9mcp*a nyd ateendd Las July 30, 1953* assigned to the Bank of Nevada. 2. Contract between Lee Construction Company and the Water Company* HLD-2671* dated Hay 7* 1953* assigned to the Bank of Nevada. 3. CWoantterra cCto mbpaantym*e n8L LDe e2 59C0o*n sdtartuecdt iJounn eC om26p,a n1y9 5a2n*d tahses igned to the Bank of Nevada. h» Contract between Lee Construction Coop any and the tWoa tetrh e CBoampnakn yo*f HNLeDva d2a5.61, dated March 19, 1952, assigned