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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Cottages -Las Vegas...; Los Angeles, 10/9/19 File 45546- B Mr. A. Maguire; Referring to your letter of October 8d, file §99 which has reference to furnishing a number of the houses at Lae Vegas, and in which I note you advise the aver­age vaoarmy since the houses were eons true ted is 16; ?'•’?hen there'Were non® of those houses vacant* If houses are furnished, I think it should be arranged to keep them for the shopmen exclusively. :i / • ' • , ... ’ * ? 4fhon writing ay letter of ''epterab' r 25th, it was my idea to get a few houses built with two or three rooms. If the houses at Las i?egas are furnished, the rent will likely bo too high for the irthopmen, and I would suggest that aroangements be made to divide these houses in two com­partments in order that they could be occupied by two families. The majority of the men we send there for ser­vice are young men and in most oases have no children, and they prefer smaller houses at cheaper rent than they would have to pay for the five-roomed houses w© have at the pres­ent time* This may be the average, but I know of times {Signed) D. P. KELLOGG. Supt* M* P* & S* oo i Mr#