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    O f f i c e r s a n d D i r e c t o r s T H O M A S A . CAMI^4feLL * ' PRESIDENT S P E N C E R L. B U T T E R F IE L D VICE-PRESIDENT W IL L IA M C O U L T H A R D SEC Y.-TREA S. h a r r y e . m i l l e r JA M E S C A S H M A N J O H N B U N C H C„ Norman Cornwall LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 9 0 0 S O U T H 5TH S T R E E T L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 April 7 , 1954 Mr. James M . Montgomery 15 North Oakland Avenue Pasadena 1, California Dear Jim : Here is a copy o f a self-explanatory letter from A . J . Shaver, Chief Engineer o f the Colorado River Commission. Please note Ms suggestion that you represent the District at the meeting to be held next Monday, April 12* In this connection It occurs to me that you may be able to time a trip up here in connection with your further studies for a plan to supplamen t the water supply so as to take In the meeting simultaneously. If we have not discussed this matter prior to receipt o f this correspondence will you please get In touch with me by telephone so that we can make* whatever arrangements may be indicated to have a representative at the meeting next Monday. Very sincerely yours, LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT TACifb enclosure