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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V U S VEGAS REVIEW JOURNAL Survey Expected In Near Future Thi Las Vegas valley water | district commissioners, at their] first active^meeting Friday night, took steps to get'the'project un­der way and it is expected that an engineering firm will be se­lected within the next month or so to start'work on the survey of the area. Harry E. Miller, chairman of the board, reported that a $10,000 loan from the county had been,' received and that the commis­sioners now were ready to start active work on the project. He, said that several engineering, firms had submitted proposals' i for the survey and that the first [task facing the board would be] ; to select the firm to do this work. Among the firms submitting .pro- , posals was one local group, Miller ]: said;' It is the plan of the commis- j sion to call all of the engineering outfits iiito conference^ with the ; i commissioners; receive their pro­posals and then select the one, ' which the commissioners believe ' will do the best job. Under the present plans, the firms will 'e -called in, one at a time and prob­ably two each evening, until all of the agencies,have/been inter­viewed. Then the choice will be made, Miller said. It is hoped, he said, that the job can be, i cleaned up in two weeks after .the first i firm is invited in. There was much discussion I over the validity of the water1 ] district act and there was a feel­ing that some of the sections of [the act should be clarified and j strengthened, Miller said. Toward jthat end, the commissioners will] [confer with the Clark county ' legislative delegation in the near ! future with a view .toward ag-j i complishing this. ffe 1 Calvin Corey, representing the ' Union Pacific railroad, attended j the meeting and reported to the ] commissioners that he had in­formed the railroad company that, the act i was constitutional and tion system in the city of Las | Vegas, Miller said. P u b l i s h e d JftN16 1.849 that he was - certain that the board had the authority to dicker with the railroad company, for, purchase of the present distribu- |