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I agree.May 1 ? , 1945 V 33-1-B Mr. Charles HoCall C ity Manager Laa Vegas, Nevada Dear S ir : As you know a uniformed o ff io e r has been placed on duty to en force th e C ity Ordlnanoe proh ibitin g the easts of w ater. In ad d itio n to th e f a c t th a t we should not waste anything during war tim es the p raotloe i s obnoxious because i t o re a tes a t r a f f lo hazard due to slip p ery s t r e e t s , undermines the pavement req u irin g replacement a t the ta x payers expenee and o re a tes u n sanitary con d ition s Including breeding plaoee fo r mosquitoes and other In se c ts . One o f the most n o ticeab le p la ces In town I s the C ity Park and Huntrldge Addition. The polio s o ff io e r has d if fi c u l ty In convincing the resid en ts th a t they should not permit th e ir lawns to overflow In to th e s tr e e ts when the orchard sprays used In th e Park and South Maryland Parkway a re perm itted t o sq u irt out In to the road almost d a lly . We w ill s in ce re ly appreciate your cooperation in c o rre ctin g t h is oondition. Tours very tru ly .