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1 Los An geles, December 10, 1928 20-2 Mr. F . B. P e t t it : R eferrin g to your l e t t e r dated November 27th, f i l e 174-2, requestin g c e rt a in inform ation in connection with w ater supply at B elso : Inform ation in s o fa r as we are able to develop i s as fo llo w s : 1. Water has been,, f o r f iv e y e a rs l a s t past, and i s now being used fo r locom otives, domestic and ir r i g a t i o n purposes. 2. No reco rd o f any agreement. 3 . Not that we have any knowledge o f. 4 . I am in c lin e d to the opinion that taxes have never been le v ie d a ga in st the pipe lin e , but have r e fe r r e d th is m atter to Mr. C harles Adams f o r h is in v e s tig a t io n and r e p ly . 5. A sm all concrete d ra in 8" th ick by 8" deep by 5' lon g was constructed across mouth of tu n n el. Our 4" pipe lin e extends through th is drain and about 4 ’ in to the tu n n e l. In the f a l l o f 1926 approxim ately £00 lin e a l fe e t o f 2" pipe was salvaged in wash h a lf a m ile below tunnel and was l a i d in sid e the tunnel fo r purpose o f b rin g in g w ater from the tunnel through pipe in stead of flo w in g in n atu ral course to the 4 " pipe lin e on f lo o r of tunnel. This on account o f w ild animals enterin g the tu n n el. An a d d it io n a l p ro te c tio n from w ild animals was made by constru c tin g a wooden ba rric ad e out o f scrap second hand lum ber. A l l o f these f a c i l i t i e s have been m aintained by the R a ilro a d Company* 6. le have no knowledge o f the owner of mining claim ev er p rotestin g or o b je c tin g to lo c a tio n o f pipe lin e o r our use o f the w ater; nor has there ever been any notice posted to that e f f e c t . CC-Mr.W.R.Armstrong M r.C harles Adams R. L . Adam so W ill Mr. Adams p lease advise r e la t i v e to tax Item 4 L . A.