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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    McNeil Construction Co., 5860 Avalon Boulevard, Los Angeles 5, C aliforn ia 7« 55?4 Gentlemen* Attention Mr. B, W, McNeil For your review, I am attaching hereto copy pf pro­posed agreement covering the construction of water f a c ilit i e s at Las Vegas, « v I Confirming our conversation date, in accordance with your proposal of Jan, 10, 1946, the agreement provides fo r guaranteed maximum cost (including your fee of #15,845) of #174,295. However, subsequently certain changes and addi­tions were authorized fo r which we propose to issue extra work orders, as follow s* Credits EW0-1, For rental o f equipment paid by WFRR, f> 292, n -2 , Amount included in guaranteed maximum fo r construction of 24° lin e , Reservoir to Main Street, 40,805, ”-12, Amount included in guaranteed maximum fo r construction of lin e to Well No, 8, 2,099, Additional Work EWO-3, ” -4 , n ft n ttn -7 , —8, --9, 10, - 11, Construct 24” pipe lin e , Reservoir to Main Street (Estimated), #82,795*' Change gutters and downspouts on Reservoir, 755, Galvanized hardware, Reservoir, 557. Increasing size o f Reservoir expansion jo in t, 850, Change paint specifications, 488* Changes in Pump House account water, 5,981, Changes in Fire Pump House, 524. Form lumber fo r Settling Basin, 1,089, Increase In rates of pay and change in workday (Estimated), 10,945. Estimated cost of additional work. Estimated to ta l. 101,724. $232;szy; . 1 1 H J JUL 26 13 S