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upr000173 412


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    «r. m . a. Clark* 6aa Vegas - Maroh 26 # 1968 I 1- 6-1 haferring to Mar, Cox«e letter Marsh 23, fil# 68-8-336, regarding broken front spring on 1935 Ford Sedan at Los ?•£** Felaniary 6th, Nevada License Mo, 26-1521 fhs o«r was owned fey 0. U. Shepherd of 1838 Roosevelt Street, North Los Vega.*, and was feeing drleea at the tine fey Mare, Vers Seales, hie sister-in- law, of the sane address. Copy of ay letter March 5 Is attaehed, out­lining details of the inoldsnt. A, M, Folger ( 00 - Mr. F* Cox «r, Frank strong Mr, L. 0, Hills)