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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Well to bo drilled at las Vegas, Sew* PB'ND |pm m* f#ACB^C j P P MS& lea Angeles, Calif., Jane 18th, 1920, FILE - 6 1 3' l l f U C. F. MILLERl— ... Referring to correspondence wo haws had re-gawsiag well at Las Vegas. X so new la receipt of the follcwii® letter . from the Roscoe Moss Company, which will serve as a basis for Fens 30 r~ "In reference to drilling and fuajaddiing materials for the construction of one la-inch Jell to the \ of 300 feet or the maximum depth of 700 feet at Las Vegas, New. Wm propose to furnish cc{9pl^te drilling machinery with 12-inch, number 10 gaage, double/well pipe, 21 foot starter, throe ply for 12 feet and two My for 9 feet with 12 x 12 x ja« shoe and drill year well in go/d and workmanlike manner to the depth of 300 feat for | 2,9fiO/)0. Additional footage we will drill between 300 and 500 feet for i 9.60 per foot, between 600 and 800 feet for # 10.60 per lineal foot. "fhe above price includes the thorough perforating of casing at all water bearing strata, sandpusping after perfora­ting and leaving in condition for installation of pump. "He reserve the right to reduce the size of in event we consider it Impracticable to continue with the size casing then being used. our price cavers the drilling of all formation other than hard rock. For such portions of the wall as shall be through hard rook we will drill far #4.00 per hour for men and machinery exclusive of casing. "Inasmuch as we understand this formation is largely fill and that m hard rock Is to be found within the required depth, do not think it likely that w© will resort to this rook clause which 1® placed in practically all of our contracts. awaiti"nSgh aynokuirn ga ydvoiuc efso,r wteh e aroep.p"ortunity of submitting a bid, and pp 7 7 £ . am/h Chief Engineer.