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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    dramatic epic of the age—A <J| Timely drama that every man A record breaker in every I A sensation if eyerli|ere was! . Wallace Beevfe’aperformiT being! hailed as one'of the very| tributed to the Silver Sheet. Lelia Hyams, Lewis Stone, K| Mathew B.etz, f . C. Nugent a| Pandemonium in the gref riot; guards held as hostages;! a- last stand for escape! Ever! because you know that one ail can be sweet and glorious wil and drama that, you will neyel “ Tbe' Big House” will still We urge:you to tee it. A Met) ial. , Oun Gang Comedy, “ Teacl News. . MATINEE SATUI S i n c < r s i& i .LASVEGAI W E K N O w TlA S ^ FU R N ISH RELIABL] A L L H O O VER D| ?" I W atters Bmlding- S Phone 16,9— ] TED FERRC Good