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1 Permit Imm f&g&B Land k la te r Company Los Angeles, February 1©, 1930* ?Dear Leo* Mr.- Jackson and I have considered j o u r le t t e r o f February 18 r e la t iv e to the above, and m venture to suggest an amendment to Paragraph I ? , which might read as fo llo w s * wSai& pem ittee w ill in s t a ll and maintain, at it s own expense, a reasonable number o f f i r e plugs, o f such design as sh a ll be designated by the Chief o f the Fir© Department o f said City o f Las Vegas, at such points as the Board o f City Consraiaaiaricra may desi&iate within the area as shown on. the plat or p la t s ’indicating location and position o f a l l water sains, water pip# lin es and la te r a ls now ins tailed and la id down, or which m y hereafter be in stalled and la id down, under the provisions o f Paragraph VII o f this permit*11 Mr* Ihiekerfeocker i s forw arding to Mr. Bracken today d u p lic a te o r ig in a l o f perm it, w ith another copy th e re o f, adv is in g him to g e t in touch with you b e fo re approaching the C ity Oom&iaalonera f o r execution o f the o r ig i n a l which was l o s t , fo u w i l l know how to approach the Commissioners and suggest to them the ju s t ic e and e q u ity o f the changes suggested in Paragraph I f , e x p la in in g to them th at w hile they are in o f f i c e , or p robably t h e ir immediate su ccesso rs, t h is paragraph might not fee abused, but th at s o w subsequent commissioners w ith in the next 59 y e a rs might h arrasa the perm ittee to at eh an exten t hereunder th at the permit might be very burdensome. I would have t h is amendment adopted as soon as p o s s ib le , as we are anxious to f i l e « now ra te s as m m as V a lt e r can submit a c la s s if ic a t io n as suggested in your recent l e t t e r . .Everything her# as usual'. Asa e n c lo sin g you copy o f l e t t e r o f transm ission to S a lt e r o f d u p lic a te perm it. F. .1 , McHaao®. PBM-M& e c E r# F . 1 * Knickerbocker Mr* A, 3* Hals ted ?*- “i" Mr. R. L. Adamson