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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 quarter and the north on® 'half of the Morthwost me quarter of' Section 33* the North m® half o f the Northwest me quarter o f Section 34* AH in township 20 South# Kang© 61 Iasi life® Diablo Base and Meridian* Except fro® acres o f Mnd in the fora of a square# in th® Northeast one quarter of the Southeast me quarter o f said Section 2?s which said parties o f the fir s t part reserve for their use# a said 4 acres being the Stewart burial p lot, and more particularly described as follows# to wit* Beginning at a point m North lin e o f the South­east quarter o f Section 27 Township 20 South# Baago 61 East of th© Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. 340 feet West o f the Northeast comer of' said Southeast quarter of Section 27* Thence South oa a lin o parallel with the East lin e o f s&ld Section 27 fo r a distance of 41? 4/10 feet* Thane© .feet for.a distance o f ; 41? 4/10 foot; thence North for o, distance o f 41?' 4/10 fo o t; fhmeo Bast along ill© North lin e o f said Southeast quarter of Section 2? for a distance of 417 4/10 feet; to the point o f beginning# containing 4 acres' more or less* Together with , a ll water arising m said land or flowing therefrom, J and a ll water rights belonging thereto'and used in connection therewith# i excepting 4 miner’ s inches of water (California measurement) on so much thereof as my be required by the parties of the first part to irrigate said burial | plot# fro® the Vegas Creek, and the waters shall at no time be diverted from said Vegas Greek in such aamer as to interfere with the rights' heroin reserved, isiloss provision shall otherwise be sad»- by said party of the second part# his heirs or assigns# to emvey to th© tract of land so reserved#, the water afore­said# for m® as aforesaid#' Together with a ll and similar the tmraaoats# hereditaments# and . appertaining, and the rmts issues# and profits thereof; to have md to hold# - ell. and singular# the above martian ad and described. premises, together with th® appurtenances# unto the said party of the second part# and to.his heirs and assign® forever* Md the' said partis® of th© first part# and their heirs, the -said promises in th© quiet and peaceful possession of th© said party of the | seemd part, his heirs and assigns# against th© said parties j i: - of th© first part and thrtr heirs# and against a ll and every pa*sai and parsons whomsoever # t i l