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V d f i p x j s -m / *T“ ? P B ....... Pipeline I 8 m B U n d er th e w a te r bond proposal w hich w ill be voted on by th e electo rate n ext W e d nesday to bring L ake M e a d w a te r in to th e Las V egas v a I I e y to supp lem ent th e present d im in ish in g und erground w a te r supply a pipelin e w ill be b u ilt fro m th e existin g L ake M e a d -H e n d e r-son lin e to Las V e g a s and com m unities. The proposed pipeline and the improvements are the preliminary steps tova'd eventually building a water line directly to Lake Mead, and the proposed instruction will be used in the tons, range project, according to engineer* of the Las Vegas Valley Water District. The engineers pointed out v-tat S the entire, propose© system is pre-S, dicated ori the long range plan off eventually going to Lake Mead and| that, “not one penny will be wast-ji ed’ in the present plan. Following is a uetailed descrip-1 tion of the route ard improve-ments of the proposed improve- || g ments: Approximately three miles northeast of Henderson a 1%-million gallon reservoir ancl a booster pumping station,will be constructed adjacent to the existing 40-inch pipeline from Lake Mead to Henderson. The reservoir will be connected to the 40-inch pipeline and will act as a suction well for the booster pumping station which will boost water on to Henderson. A new pipeline is to be constructed from this poini to Las Vegas and will bp connected to the lYz-million gallon reservoir. A control building will cnlorinate, regulate and meter the flow out of the reservoir From the control- building .water will flow by gravity through a 36-inch concrete pipeline to be constructed westward to the Boulder Highway ^nd northwest along the highway, to a booster pumping -.lation to be constructed approximately 2Vz miles northwest of Whitney _____ _ This station Will" boost water from an elevation of approximately i?40 Tn~aneiW?«TO^orzl70^ne water surface in a 30-million gallon reservoir to be constructed ap>- j proximately 1% miles west of the j intersection of Bonanza and Ran- j cho Roads. From me pumping sta-1 tion water Will be boosted through! a 30-inch concrete pipeline- to be j constructed along the highway to j the intersection of Fremont Street and Charleston Boulevard where it will divide into two 24-inch concrete pipelines. One of these pipelines will be constructed along Fremont Street! or Ogden Street to Main Street "and I then west to the 30-million gallon! reservoir The other 24-inch pipe- j line will be constructed along Charleston Boulevard to Main Street j where it will connect <vith the east end of the existing 24-inch line along Charleston Boulevard. From the west end of the existing 24-inch line at Douglas Drive to 36-inch concrete line will be constructed west and north oi the 30-million gallon reservoir. At Charleston Boulevard and Valley View Boulevard an 18-inch p f pipeline will be constructed south' from the 3f-inch pipeline to Splane p | Avenue and then east along Splane ||§ Avenue to ’A ” Street where it will | i connect with an 18 inch and 15-inch § pipeline to be constructed along “A” Street and Fifth Street south to Flamingo Road. An 18-inch and i6-ihch line will be constructed by way of “F ” Street, Washington Avenue ana Main Street to serve North Las Vegas. The improvements to increase p i the capacity of the 40-inch pipeline | from Lakf> Mead to Henderson 1. include the replacement of certain of the existing pumping equipment at the Lake Mead intake pumping"' station With equipment of increas-1|| ed capacity. p m WM l§® ?' S O O S T E R --t'PUMPifiG A T i O N ? tao ; v i. soosrea itlllillilPIlM iiiiiiM . STATION i | i SLL$. \ V *£1* Wsmmm M §§§ H ' *****\ MHMMIIsnI mm