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    LOCATIQS - hOFQBESH - HO. 3 INSTRUMENT: NOTICE OF APPROPRIATION Or WATBR. BY: HERMAN LOFORBBS BATE: JUNE 15, 1397 RECORDED: JULY 17,1397,BOOK A, PAGE 456 OF SATIE LOCATIONS- TOOELE COUNTY AMOUNT - ALL SESCRtmoN: OREBB SPRINGS NOTICE or- LQQATiqS This is to c e r t i f y th at I have th is day lo ca te d and a p p rop ria ted a l l o f those ce rta in sp rin gs f o r the purpose o f ir r ig a t in g ay ranch Both ly in g and bein g w ith in the County o f Tooele^ State o f Utah and situ a ted on the north sid e o f the Vernon and Eureka road and about 200 yards w esterly fro® the E rrioson C o rra ll and about 1 -1 /2 mi* sou th w esterly from my ranch. The above d escrib ed sp rin gs s h a ll be known as the “ Green Springs**. This dune 15th, 1397* Same o f lo c a to r Herman L o ff green Recorded July 17, 1697 Book A* Page 456