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Statement "B" Summary statement relating to recorded investment and estimated present value of water facilities at Las Vegas, Eevada as of May 31» 19U9 Account 18 - Water lines •• ?e * : •* :3st* Present cost of re- • •• 9• *• iserv- production : Description of : Investment •• :Ro. of Avrg. :ice •• Less : property : cost 2 Unit : units age :life : lie w :iepreciat'n Pipe lines: $ A9 r 12fl transite 6,636,76 L.F. 2398 7.02 75 10.2b7.00 9,170.00 iH* transits 6,315.80 a 769 2.74 75 7,189.00 6.7U6.00 i6“ ? 13,597.59 u 3607 13.00 75 26,107.00 a, 569.00 18“ « 6,675.21 n 853 6.09 75 9,612.00 8,844.00 20” 9 27.634.5U a 3376 7.00 75 39,79U.oo 36,078,00 2ty” « 17.291.U7 ft 1831 6.47 75 26,302.00 23,714.00 24“ welded steel U,622.07 n 95U 7.00 65 6,656,00 3,939.00 12” reinf. concrete 1,083.96 u 1217 38.00 50 2,710.00 650.OO 2” wrot iron 250.00 11 78 7.50 uo 293.00 271.OO g« n u 136.76 i 6 22.00 75 191.00 135.00 10” ” 9 81.38 1 20 7.00 75 111.00 100.00 12” « « 1 ,316.87 n 263 6.22 75 l,7Ul.00 1,597.00 6“ v.c. U26.3U a 100 3.00 45 bsU.oo 452.00 4" cast iron 3,192.11 a 1683 5.07 50 2.39U.OO 2,151.00 gtt H » 597.71 a 231 5.U5 65 U76.OO 436.00 gn n ft 1.727.9U a 755 6.91 75 2,203.00 2,000.00 10” 9 ” 2,633.26 H 985 7.84 75 3,861.00 3,458.00 12” 9 " 12,373.33 B 2830 12.13 100 14,372.00 12,629.00 li4.11 n n 1U.79 B 6 7.00 100 35.00 33.0° lg» 8 8 2U.09U.00 B 8564 11.87 100 60,865.00 53,6Uo .oo 2tyH U H 230,189.25 B 20452 8.48 100 281,308.00 257.U53.00 3gn B M 1.531.98 n 69 IU.90 100 1,769.00 1 ,505.00 Wells: -7'cflS 12“ drilled with casing 13.U06.30 3a. 2 18.47 100 2O,b4ty.0O 16,759.00 igll U H U 101,511.26 B 9 6.5s •J 100 129,271.00 120,787.00 Derrick-wood on conc.fdn, 4,702.61 It 6 7.12 35 7,890.00 6,196.00 Weir boxes at wells 1,373.57 It 7 7.32 35 2,387.00 1 ,887.00 Reservoirs & settling basins: Reservoir — cone* 1U5,962.78 8 2 8.7U 75 202,635.00 173,660.00 Settling basins H 22,673.71 H 3 8.2 8 50 34,047.00 27,950.00 Buildings: Concrete lU,258.50 8 3 3.U9 75 17,312.00 i6,b2i.oo Trams U.U39.S1 « 3 7.91 bo 8,165.00 6,550.00 Cone.valve boxes & manholes 4,220.99 8 U3 10.92 50 6,310.00 U, 788.00 Fences - wire 5,765.23 L.F. 2516 13.05 35 8,494.00 5,327.00 Tank - wood 510.65 3a. 1 7.00 35 870.00 696.OO Iquipment-pumping Ul.300.29 Lot 4.82 33 1/3 51,624.00 4b,i5U.oo Miscellaneous 1.800.78 B 5.11 35.50 2.319.00 1 .985.PQ Totals - $ 72H.3U9.60 A. 990.488.00 8 875.730.00 Account 31 - Power-transmission system Pole lines $ I|-,bl3.l8 5.62 U5 6•P 5,808.00 $ 5,083.00 Wire lines 2ty.932.26 5.09 5° 35.U07.00 31,803.00 Totals 8 29.3ty5.tyty 41.215.00 $ 36.886.00 To tal-Xmprovem ent 8 I 7531695.OU $1,031,703.00 $ 912.616.00 Land-Acre s-1230.7U $ 34.985.88 Estimated present market value $ 556. lHUIEff Grand totals 8 788.680.92 $'Slg.760.00 Office of General Manager of Properties Omaha, Nebraska - November 10, 19 b9