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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I oailed Hr. Je Laa Vegas - January 5, 195* w 23-1-73 •rone D. Maok, President of Federal Hones Ino., relative to tala applloatlon for extension of water mains to serve Beverly Oreen Traot Ho. 3 and Informed bln ttaat 1 bad written the Las Vegas Valley Mater District on Noventaer 3, 1953, requesting approval of extension of water mains to serve Beverly Oreen Traot Ho. 3 and that as of the present date I have received no reply from I Informed Mr. Maok that until I get the approval of the Mater Dletrlot I oould not submit his projeat to executives of the Hater Company and therefore oould not permit his oontraotar to oonneot with the water nalna of the Water Company until this approval has been obtained. Mr. Maok stated that they would want to oonmenoe oonstruotl of the water nalna probably about the later part of January and that he would oontaot Mr. Campbell of the Mater District and endeavor to secure their approval at ones In order that 1 nay submit the projeot to our officials and get all of the paper work out of the way before oonmenoement of oonstruotlon. Maag LWI/rr